Flurry Example

Click the buttons below to see examples of Flurry in action.

This uses the default options.

This uses custom options for a more intense snow effect (with snowmen!):

  character: ["❄", "❅", "❆", "*", "⛄", "🥶", "🎄", "🎅"],
  height: 240,
  speed: 1400,
  wind: 200,
  windVariance: 220,
  frequency: 10,
  large: 40,
  small: 4

This uses custom options to create a "confetti" effect:

  character: ["~"],
  color: ["#55476A", "#AE3D63", "#DB3853", "#F45C44", "#F8B646"],
  speed: 2000,
  height: 480,
  frequency: 60,
  small: 12,
  large: 50,
  rotation: 90,
  rotationVariance: 20,
  startRotation: 90,
  wind: 10,
  windVariance: 100,
  opacityEasing: "cubic-bezier(1,0,.96,.9)"

This uses custom options to create custom “snowflakes” with Font Awesome:

// Load Font Awesome from CDN dynamically; probably not needed if you are already using it for other icons on your page
$('head').append('<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.5.1/js/all.min.js" integrity="sha512-GWzVrcGlo0TxTRvz9ttioyYJ+Wwk9Ck0G81D+eO63BaqHaJ3YZX9wuqjwgfcV/MrB2PhaVX9DkYVhbFpStnqpQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />');

// Flurry
  character: [""],
  height: 640,
  onFlake: function () {
    $(this).html("<i class='fa-regular fa-sun'></i>");