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START CONTENT !!! --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ## A Scientist's Guide to the Relational Data Model ## ### or (One Reader to Rule Them All) ### [Jon Woodring](https://github.com/jonwoodring), Ph.D. <a href="https://www.lanl.gov"> <small>*Los Alamos National Laboratory*</small> </a> LambdaConf 2017 <small>May 26, 2017</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ## Outline ## [github.com/jonwoodring/ortrta](https://github.com/jonwoodring/ortrta) Content for both scientists and functional programming enthusiasts - Data analysis in scientific computing - SQLite to the rescue - SQL as it relates to parallel computing - Why stop at just analysis? - Where to go from here... </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ## Trifecta of Data Parallelism ## <img src="local/triforce.png" width=300> In particular, I am interested in how the *relational data model* and *functional programming* is intertwined with *data parallelism*. To ruin the punchline, it's not *Spark* -- whatever it is doesn't exist, yet, except in fragments </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Scientific Computing ### Numerical models, computer simulations, and data processing for real-world experiments, like [telescopes](http://www.sdss.org) and [particle physics](https://home.cern/topics/large-hadron-collider) <a href="https://mpas-dev.github.io"> <img src="local/oceanImage.png" width=325> </a> <a href="https://www.alcf.anl.gov/projects/next-generation-cosmology-simulations-hacc-challenges-baryons"> <img src="local/strong_lens-800.jpg" width=250> </a> *Other examples*: plasma, hydrodynamics, wind farms, ground water, molecular dynamics, asteroid threat assessment, natural disaster assessment, epidemic prediction, economic modeling, power grid, etc. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Scale ### Large-scale simulations require thousands to tens-of-thousands processors running on supercomputers Some Department of Energy (DOE) supercomputers: - [Mira](https://www.alcf.anl.gov/mira) at Argonne National Laboratory - [Summit](https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/summit/) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory - [Cori](http://www.nersc.gov/news-publications/nersc-news/nersc-center-news/2016/cori-supercomputer-now-fully-installed-at-berkeley-lab/) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - [Trinity](http://www.lanl.gov/projects/trinity/) at Los Alamos National Laboratory <img src="local/trinity-2015.jpg" width=500> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Large-scale Simulations mean Large-Scale Data ### - With [MPAS-O](https://mpas-dev.github.io/), an ocean climate simulation - They run on the order of hundreds of simulated years for climate studies, resulting in tens to hundreds terabytes (TB) of data for one run - With [HACC](https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/2013/11/05/code-for-largest-cosmological-simulations-ever-on-gpus-is-gordon-bell-finalist/), a dark matter cosmology simulation - From the beginning of the simulated universe, a "heroic" run would take several petabytes (1 PB = 1,000,000 GB) - Parameter sweep - runs over multiple ranges of inputs, multiply these numbers by X </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Custom data formats ### And nearly always, they have a custom data format - Various reasons - Legacy code before HDF5 and NetCDF - Small scientific teams without software engineering expertise - Speed (storage I/O is the slowest component!) - This makes it a pain to do any analysis, because the first task is creating a reader for their data (or a translator to copy it to a common format) </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### ParaView and VisIt ### In the DOE, we have two open-source scientific visualization and analysis tools: [ParaView](http://paraview.org) and [VisIt](https://visit.llnl.gov) I counted **150** readers in ParaView alone, and VisIt has more readers than ParaView! And that's not counting the ones in [VTK](http://vtk.org) (Visualization ToolKit) - over **250**! <a href="http://paraview.org"> <img src="local/pv4.png" width=500> </a> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Example analysis workflow ### Typically a scientific workflow goes something like: - Encounter a new scientific team - Retrieve data from them - Either - Create a new reader for their data - Translate their data into a common format - Visualize and analyze their data In the following, we'll analyze a simple heat transfer simulation for an example analysis workflow </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Jupyter Python Notebook ### <= **To follow along:** ```bash $ jupyter notebook jupyter/heat.ipynb ``` - Data from a Fortran heat simulation - Simple tab separated values format, but one file per time step and per processor - Custom reading of the data - Specialized code to read in data by processors - Plotting the read data - Data is in memory now, apply operations </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Querying (apply-filter-combine) ### *But, that was simple:* What if we want to query the data? In particular, do a plot of the maximum temperature over time? - Read each time step - Collect the maximum from each time step - Sort the data by time - Plot This is potentially a lot of Python code </textarea></section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Why not Data Frames? ### *Why not load our data into a data frame, like Pandas? R data frames? into a list of tuples? a tuple of lists?* We *are* going to do that, but 1. **directly** represent our scientific data as if it were a data frame, 2. **without copying**, 3. with **streaming**, because data will not be copied into memory, 4. and it will be **reusable** in other tools It's not a data frame, but a **table**. <!-- END SLIDE --> </textarea></section> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### SQLite - One Reader to Rule Them All ### <a href="https://sqlite.org"> <img src="local/sqlite_ring.png" width=500> </a> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Simulation Data as a Table ### SQLite [Virtual Table](https://sqlite.org/vtab.html) on the Fortran data set: - perform SQL queries on it - no ingest, the data sits at rest (**no copy!**) - same function as data frames, but better - readable in anything that understands SQLite - streaming, incremental - caveat, it does require *extension loading* (or compiling your virtual table into SQLite) <= **Back to the notebook** </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Notebook with SQLite ### - Inspect the data set - *reduce* aka *fold* - Image queries - *sort by* - *filter* - *map* aka *transform* - Time queries - *group by* - Complex query - *join* aka *merge* (we'll talk more about join later) </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Structure of a SQL query ### SQL, i.e., [relational algebra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_algebra)\* semantics, largely overlap with *traversable (iterable) pattern* - `select` *map and reduce functions* - `from` *traversable of tuples* - `where` *filter functions* - `group by` *key functions* - `order by` *key functions* <small> \*aside from dispute between relational algebra formalism and SQL as practiced, as it does not strictly adhere to the formalism -- but that's true of any engineered system </small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Lazy Eval and Immutability ### - Views provide lazy evaluation - `CREATE VIEW QUERY AS` - Allows you to build up complex evaluations and they aren't executed until needed - If you need to cache the data, save it in a temporary table - `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE CACHED AS` - Immutability - If you avoid `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, and `DELETE` - Views are immutable, too </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Functional SQL in R ### [dplyr](https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr) is a DSL for R, created by Hadley Wickham <= **To follow along** ```bash $ rstudio-bin r/heat.rmd ``` - This uses the *same* SQLite virtual table adapter for our simulation data in Python - Translates the traversable pattern to SQL - Chaining of transformers - mutate (map), summarize (reduce), filter, etc. - Lazy evaluation - Builds up the query and nothing is fetched until a "sink" (i.e., side effect) </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### *dplyr* Examples ### Works with both *SQL* databases **and** *Spark* - Loading data via *dplyr* - Querying using chaining - Plotting time series data - tables => transformers => graphics transformers via *ggplot* => image - Plotting several time series data - Creating a histogram from scratch - Seamless with Spark via *sparklyr* *(not shown)* - Execute with the same pattern and move data </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Creating a SQLite Virtual Table ### https://sqlite.org/vtab.html https://www.sqlite.org/lang_createvtab.html - Example code in C using the native API - API is well defined, such that it should be "easy" to do it in any language that supports C exports (foreign function interfaces) - For example, Python with [`apsw`](https://github.com/rogerbinns/apsw) ** <= Opening the code on the left ** ```bash $ grip -b sqlite/heat.md ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### The API ### - Open and closing a *table* - Creating and closing a *cursor* - Telling SQLite our *indices* - Index from column values to rows, i.e., lookup - Starting a *query* - Iterating to *next* row in a query - Returning *column* values at a row - Indicating the *end* of a query Confusing? </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Metaphor: A List of Named Tuples ### - Create a list of named tuples: *table* - Bind list to name, i.e., iterator: *cursor* - Maps (associative arrays aka dictionaries) from values to tuples: *index* - Create a filter function: *query* - Apply filter to list: *next* - Extract values from tuple: *column* - Nil (end of list): *end* </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Structuring our Data ### Heat transfer data into a relational table <img src="local/files_to_vt.png" width=550> Map our data using SQLite virtual table API </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### `xNext` - Iterating ### SQLite calls `xNext` to advance a query to the next row, like implementing the recursion of `map f x:xs`, where `x` is the row and `xs` is the rest of the table - cursor state passed in (`x:xs`) - while there are files left - parse filename - open file - while not end of file - read line from file - parse line - yield row (`x`) </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Is that all? ### Mostly! - See `sqlite/heat.md` for a complete annotated implementation - Iteration logic resides in `xNext` - End of list test is `xEof` - Column (tuple) data is `xColumn` and `xRowid` - State in `heat_table` and `heat_cursor` - Initialization of iteration (start of a query) - `xFilter` and `xBestIndex` - Implementation can be arbitrarily complex, though, but not necessarily complex </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### xFilter and xBestIndex ### This is where you get speed from SQL queries by implementing *indexing* on your data set - Indexing is not required for correctness - Without indexing, SQLite will iterate over your entire data set (see the [query planner](https://sqlite.org/queryplanner.html)) - It will filter out data that it doesn't need - Providing indexing accelerates queries - SQLite will negotiate indexing via `xBestIndex` - It will then initialize a query with `xFilter` with the index and filter constraints - Your `xNext` implementation then seeks data based on the index and filter constraints </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Indexing Time Example ### - `SELECT * FROM heat WHERE time = 1700` - SQLite calls `best_index` with "`time =`" - `best_index` responds that it has that index - SQLite will then call `filter` with the constraints - `1700` on the "`time =`" index - `next` implementation applies the filter - Only reads files that have 1700 in the filename - Skips over entire files, saving lots of time Sky's the limit for indexing: hashmaps, tree indexing, bitmaps, etc. However you'd like to implement it. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Virtual Tables - Portable Readers ### - Streaming, no ingest, no copying - Not tied to a particular tool via extension loading - Concise programs using traversable patterns - Drawbacks - Magic compiler, aka the query optimizer, doesn't always do the best (optimization hints [here](https://sqlite.org/queryplanner-ng.html)) - SQL and SQLite is an interpreter - No distribution (sharding) for REALLY large data - Learning relational programming? What if I told you it is parallel computing? </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Data Parallelism ### Data parallelism is applying the same program to all data elements: Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) or Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) - **It's the style we've been using in our SQLite** - Nowadays, it's been called "map-reduce" - It shows up in *Spark*, *dplyr*, graphics, GPU programming, relational data (databases), etc. - It's very similar to the traversable pattern in functional programming, i.e., iterables, lists, etc. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### The Programming Style ### - Using iterable (traversable) transformers - *No* array indexing, *no* explicit for loops - map, reduce, filter, concat (flatten), etc. - Avoid "nested parallelism" or "double for loops" - No lists in lists or the "closure problem", i.e., an inner scope dependent on an outer scope can't be easily parallelized - Use immutable data (read-only to write-target) - Reduce data dependencies by "double-buffering" - Mutation-in-place creates serial dependencies </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Why do we care? ### - If we write in a data parallel style, code can be automatically parallelized - Parallel programming is hard - A strategy to ease implementation that shares benefits with functional programming - Large-scale data and supercomputing - The same reason to use Spark or Hadoop 1. Automatically parallelizable 2. Program scales with the data 3. Potentially less code to maintain </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### It's not new (Non-exhaustive list) ### - Early pioneers in vector data parallelism - Guy Blelloch and [NESL](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/nesl.html), a data parallel language - [Connection Machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connection_Machine) - [Data Parallel Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/Data_Parallel_Haskell) was inspired by Blelloch's work - [Thrust](https://developer.nvidia.com/thrust) by Nvidia largely uses the vector data parallel design for generically programming multi-core CPUs and GPUs - it is influencing the next C++ revision - Recently, [Alex Ulrich](http://db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/team/AlexanderUlrich.html) developed [Database Supported Haskell](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/DSH) using Blellochs's flattening transform - Program with Haskell list comprehensions on databases, allows nesting like NESL </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### But, it's hard and requires practice ### <img src="local/now_youre_thinking.png" width=300> - Rethinking how to solve problems and algorithms - It may be easier if you are coming from a functional programming or database background - It may be harder if you are coming from a scientific computing background, where the data model is mutable arrays and for loops </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Worth the effort (in my opinion) ### - A style for describing portable parallel programs - Write once, run most anywhere - Examples: *SQL, Thrust, Spark, [Flink](https://flink.apache.org/)* - Shares many of the benefits of functional style - Chaining for incremental design - Data safety through immutability - By showing you the relational data model, SQLite virtual tables, and various applications: - Learn relational and functional style by example - Learn parallel programming by proxy - Learn portable techniques for data processing </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### But, why stop at just data analysis? ### One of the things that I find strange is that scientific simulations are a data parallel problem, too, but - Simulations only get written in - Fortran, C/C++, Matlab, Python (numpy), Julia, etc. - Imperative array based languages - Doing things in parallel is hard - Though, I understand a lot of it is legacy - If simulations are data parallel problems (which they are), then... </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Next stop, Crazy Town ### <img src="local/crazy.png" width=250> Why not try to use a relational/functional/data parallel programming style for the simulation, too? For the Fortran simulation, I have implementations in: - Haskell + Repa, C++ + Thrust, Scala + Spark - ...and one really crazy one, saved for last </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Little background ### <img src="local/hot.png" width=600> We're simulating a 2D plate that is hot in several places (the initial condition) and how it dissipates over time - Explicit, finite-differences method - Iterative in time, state *t+1* is calculated from *t* - The plate is discretized into a 2D grid - See the code in `fortran/heat.md` for a more detailed explanation and [links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_equation) </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil on a 2D grid ### <img src="local/stencil.png" width=600> The main update step is called a ["stencil"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-point_stencil) - This is conceptually a weighted average of 5 adjacent points - heat dissipates spatially - For all time steps: *t* (left), *t+1* (right) is calculated by - For all points in the grid - Apply the stencil (middle) - New value is the average of 5 points </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Serial Fortran Code ### The main loop is several nested for loops: one for time and two for applying the stencil ```fortran do t = 1, 10000 current = modulo(t, 2)+1 next = modulo(t+1, 2)+1 do j = 1, 200 do i = 1, 200 grid(i, j, next) = 0.5 * grid(i, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i+1, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i, j+1, current) + 0.125 * grid(i-1, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i, j-1, current) end do end do end do ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Serial Fortran to Serial Haskell ### We're going to deconstruct the Fortran code into the equivalent Haskell code, using *Repa* for our arrays. - See `haskell/heat.md` for the annotated code* - We'll deconstruct it bottom up 1. The stencil, updating the heat at a point 2. The update step, updating all points 3. The forward time iteration, calculating *t+1* from *t* <small>*Certain details in the following have been omitted. See the code for more details.</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### The Stencil ### <small>Fortran</small> ```fortran 0.5 * grid(i, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i+1, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i, j+1, current) + 0.125 * grid(i-1, j, current) + 0.125 * grid(i, j-1, current) ``` - `grid` is a function in Haskell - it returns the point at (i, j) - in Fortran, it is an array <small>Haskell</small> ```haskell stencil grid (Z :. i :. j) = 0.5 * (grid (Z :. i :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i+1 :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i :. j+1)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i-1 :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i :. j-1)) ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### The Update Step ### <small>Fortran</small> ```fortran do j = 1, 200 do i = 1, 200 grid(i, j, next) = ``` - `traverse current id stencil` - is a `map` for *Repa* arrays - Applies `stencil` to all points in the grid `current`, which is *t*, and returns *t+1* <small>Haskell</small> ```haskell update_step current = traverse current id stencil ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Forward time iteration ### <small>Fortran</small> ```fortran do t = 1, 10000 current = modulo(t, 2)+1 next = modulo(t+1, 2)+1 ``` - In Haskell, *t+1*, `next`, is calculated from `current` - In Fortran, it is done through "double-buffering" - Buffer swapping is common in imperative parallelism - Same function as immutability, as there is no mutation-in-place -- previous state is read-only <small>Haskell</small> ```haskell loop t current = do next <- update_step current if t < 10000 then loop (t+1) next else return () ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Serial Haskell in total ### ```haskell stencil grid (Z :. i :. j) = 0.5 * (grid (Z :. i :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i+1 :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i :. j+1)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i-1 :. j)) + 0.125 * (grid (Z :. i :. j-1)) update_step current = traverse current id stencil loop t current = do next <- update_step current if t < 10000 then loop (t+1) next else return () ``` There isn't much difference, as they are about the same number of lines of code. Haskell is implicitly immutable, whereas in Fortran we are using a double-buffering pattern to get immutability. *So, let's make it parallel...* </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Shared Memory Parallelism ### - It assumes that all threads have access to the data, i.e., we are running on a multicore machine or GPU - When this happens, we can evenly divide the work between threads - Data parallelism removes data dependencies allowing threads to work independently (SIMD) - We can do this because the data is immutable - Independent threads do not have to coordinate </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Avoiding Serialization ### Mutation-in-place creates serialization <img src="local/fanin.png" width=300> - There is a way to solve the stencil with one array, using mutation, but it can only be done in serial - Fan-in (data dependencies) creates serialization - The goal is to minimize these fan-ins and immutability helps minimize them - *Spark*'s dependency graph (directed acyclic graph, DAG) shows the serialization points </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Shared Memory Parallel Fortran* ### From this: ```fortran do j = 1, 200 do i = 1, 200 grid(i, j, next) = ... ``` To this: ```fortran !$ OMP PARALLEL DO do j = 1, 200 do i = 1, 200 grid(i, j, next) = ... !$ OMP END PARALLEL DO ``` This is using OpenMP and the outer loop, the j dimension, will be divided among a pool of threads <small>*This code example is not in fortran/heat.md.</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Nested Do Loops ### We could add a second $! OMP PARALLEL DO, like so ```fortran !$ OMP PARALLEL DO do j = 1, 200 !$ OMP PARALLEL DO do i = 1, 200 grid(i, j, next) = ... !$ OMP END PARALLEL DO !$ OMP END PARALLEL DO ``` 1. The inner loop will only be parallelized if you turn on nested parallelism in OpenMP 2. Nesting is optional because it's hard to automate - How many threads should be launched in comparison to the outer loop? What if the inner loop work size is dependent on the outer loop? </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Shared Memory Parallel Haskell ### From this: ```haskell update_step current = traverse current id stencil ``` To this: ```haskell update_step current = computeP $ traverse current id stencil ``` - Repa flattens the 2D array, i.e., nesting - `traverse` is like `map` - Though, we don't know the traversal order and cross our fingers that Repa divides the work evenly for the multi-dimensional array *So, let's look into explicit flattening* </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Nested Parallelism ### Given a simple 4x4 grid, how should we split up this work across 4 processors, especially at run-time? In the OpenMP nested case, what if 4 threads were already launched on the outer loop, dimension j? <img src="local/split.png" width=600> Our 2D static array case is easy, but it can be hard if the workload is imbalanced or varying. Explicit flattening makes the run-time work division easy. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Flattening ### Turn an N-D array into a 1D array <img src="local/flattened.png" width=800> - This is the computational model behind SIMD arrays, Thrust vectors, GPU programming, relational tables, Spark RDDs, etc. - It's portable and trivially parallelizable - Blelloch's flattening (compile-time) and Repa turns nesting into a flat list, i.e., concat/flatmap, - **My opinion is to learn flattening** - Why? Fundamentals, Performance, and Control </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Flattening in Practice ### In Thrust, our only choice is 1D iterators ```c++ transform( omp::par, // Run on GPUs only by changing this line! make_zip_iterator(make_tuple(current->begin(), ... ), make_zip_iterator(make_tuple(current->end(), ... ), make_counting_iterator(0), next->begin(), stencil()); ``` - A 2D array is explicitly flattened to a 1D array - `current` is a flattened version of the 2D array - `transform` is `map` and it is mapping the `stencil` over all of *t* to generate *t+1* - `next`, *t+1*, receives the output of the transform - How are we getting the 2D array positions? <small>See thrust/heat.md for more information</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Zip Iterator ### We zip several read-only copies of *t* together ```c++ make_zip_iterator(make_tuple( current->begin(), // (i, j) current->begin() + 1, // (i+1, j) current->begin() - 1, // (i-1, j) current->begin() + 200, // (i, j+1) current->begin() - 200)) // (i, j-1) ``` - Create references of *t* and zip them together - This is still 1D and still easily parallelizable - i+1 is offsetting by 1, or j+1 is offsetting by +200 - We can use explicit "indexing" arrays -- zip an array that serves as an array look up index <small>See thrust/heat.md for more information</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Thrust 1D Indexing ### We can do N-D arrays through fancy 1D indexing <img src="local/zip.png" width=600> - The stencil is done through explicit indexing that allows us to look up the values that we need - This allows us to use arbitrary geometry, not just arrays, through recording the "topology" - 1, 3, 5 and 7 is the incident topology around 4 - This is a *relationship* on point 4 </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Nested parallelism in Relational Land ### Relational programming has flattening transforms - *Join* is a fancy Cartesian product with a filter - It takes two lists and returns a list - `[filter f (x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]` - With various configurations of how to iterate over the two lists: inner, outer, left, right, etc. - *Group by* aka *partition by* aka *sort* - Segments a list into lists, applies a function to each sub list, and flattens the result - `concat (map f (groupBy g xs))` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Join by analogy ### Say we are designing a game, and our artists create some monsters <img src="local/monsters.png" width=800> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### More components ### And, then our level designers create some environments <img src="local/environs.png" width=800> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Combine them together ### What we could do is put all monsters in all environments <img src="local/cartesian.png" width=800> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Filter the unwanted ### But, some combinations may not be wanted, so we can filter out the ones we don't want <img src="local/filter.png" width=800> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Heat Equation in Spark ### Using join to do the computation ```scala next = topology .join(current) .map { case (adjacent, (id, temperature)) => (id, .125 * temperature) } .union(current.mapValues { case (temperature) => .5 * temperature }) .reduceByKey { (a, b) => a + b } ``` We'll walk through it, because this is a tough one. Let's take the example of our simple 3x3 grid with point 4 in the center. <small>see scala/heat.md for a full annotated version</small> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Key-Value Pairs ### Consider the points around 4 as relationships - We express this as pairs, *(adjacent, id)*: - *(1, 4)*, *(3, 4)*, *(5, 4)*, and *(7, 4)* - Let's make up some temperatures - *4 = 1.0*, *1 = .2*, *3 = 0*, *5 = .4*, and *7 = .5* - Given the example temperatures, lets express them as pairs, *(id, temperature)* - *(1, .2)*, *(3, 0)*, *(4, 1)*, *(5, .4)*, and *(7, .5)* - How do we calculate the stencil on point 4? </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil as a Join (1) ### <img src="local/join.png" width=800> - Consider point 4, it is adjacent to 1, 3, 5, and 7 - These pairs can be recorded in a *topology* list </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil as a Join (2) ### <img src="local/join.png" width=800> - Each point has a key-value temperature pair - These point-temperature relationships can be recorded in a *current* list </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil as a Join (3) ### <img src="local/join.png" width=800> - We can look up (index) the temperatures surrounding point 4 by a *join* on *adjacent* and *id* between *topology* and *current* - This produces pairs of *(adjacent, (id, temperature))* - We *map* the pairs from the join to *(id, temperature)* producing a *stencil* list </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil as a Join (4) ### <img src="local/join.png" width=800> - If we scale the *current* table by 0.5 and the *stencil* table by 0.125, we effectively multiply the temperatures by the weights - Taking the union of these two tables, we get the temperatures keyed by *id* that make up the stencil </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Stencil as a Join (5) ### <img src="local/join.png" width=800> - The final step is to *reduce by key* with +: - 0.25 + 0 + 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.62 = .637 - The new temperature for 4 is .637, recorded as a pair (4, .637) - **Whew!** </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### What's going on? ### - Consider an array *a* using Python notation - `a[0] = value` - What if *a* was a *map* (dictionary) from *i* to *value*, *b* - `b[0] = value` - What if I express *a* as a list of tuples, *c*? - `c = [(0, value)]` - How do I get the values from each, if I have an *indices* list, `indices = [0]`? </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Array indexing is Join ### ```python for i in indices: if i <= len(a): print(i, a[i]) for i in indices: if i in b: print(i, b[i]) for i, j in product(indices, c): if i == j[0]: print(i, j[1]) ``` Each of these is a *join*, where the first two are using knowledge of the index distribution. We are iterating over both lists, and returning a list of things that we want to keep, based on properties between both lists. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Join, Map, and Reduce as a Stencil ### - Arrays are *map*s (dictionary) of integers to value - Joins of integer lists on maps of integers to values, resulting in value lookup - With a map and reduce to complete the operation - Why is this important? - We can express the stencil as a join - Spark is distributed data parallelism - Up until now, we have only been talking about shared memory parallelism, this shows how we can bridge the gap and scale out </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Distributed Parallel Fortran* ### The Fortran implementation that I have is actually distributed parallel, but it's a doozy if you aren't accustomed to MPI (Message Passing Interface) Here's just a fragment of the code I had to implement to make the processors coordinate with each other. This is why I say parallel programming is hard... <small>* see fortran/heat.md for more details</small> ```fortran ! 0 shares with 1 and 3 if (my_pid == 0) then call mpi_send & (local_domain(1:lx,ly), lx, MPI_REAL8, 3, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_send & (local_domain(lx,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(1:lx,ly+1), lx, MPI_REAL8, 3, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(lx+1,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) ! 1 shares with 0 and 2 else if (my_pid == 1) then call mpi_send & (local_domain(1:lx,ly), lx, MPI_REAL8, 2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_send & (local_domain(1,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(1:lx,ly+1), lx, MPI_REAL8, 2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(0,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) ! 2 shares with 1 and 3 else if (my_pid == 2) then call mpi_send & (local_domain(1:lx,1), lx, MPI_REAL8, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_send & (local_domain(1,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 3, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(1:lx,0), lx, MPI_REAL8, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(0,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 3, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) ! 3 shares with 0 and 2 else call mpi_send & (local_domain(1:lx,1), lx, MPI_REAL8, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_send & (local_domain(lx,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(1:lx,0), lx, MPI_REAL8, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) call mpi_recv & (local_domain(lx+1,1:ly), ly, MPI_REAL8, 2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, stat, & ierror) endif ``` </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Bonus Round ### To complete the loop **<= To follow along ** ```bash $ rstudio-bin dplyr/head.rmd ``` This is the crazy bit. I have implemented the heat equation in *dplyr* which is running on *SQLite*... which means, we are executing a heat equation in SQL. It is possible to write it natively in SQL, without R, because SQLite is Turing complete via recursive queries. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- *** START VERTICAL *** --> <section> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Concluding Thoughts ### As a scientist, why learn data parallelism and not just MPI and OpenMP? - Data parallelism is a key to - Programming GPUs and multicore processors - Portable parallelism - Data analysis: SQL and SQLite - Though, MPI (Message Passing Interface) is the defacto standard for distributed parallel computing in scientific and supercomputing - Requires a lot of bookkeeping, easy to screw up </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Performance Gap ### There is one reason Spark is rare in scientific and supercomputing: *performance* - *(and supercomputers don't run Java)* - 10,000 iterations of the heat equation, 4 processors, 200x200 grid - Fortran + MPI: **3 seconds** - Thrust multicore CPU: 4.5 seconds - Haskell + Repa: 60 seconds - Scala + Spark: *30+ minutes* - dplyr + SQLite: *40+ minutes* </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Am I dumb? ### I'm sure someone will tell me how I went about the wrong way implementing it in Spark, - Or the scale of the problem was too small, or - Wrong tool for the wrong job - *I don't disagree* - But, numbers like these are the reason that supercomputing doesn't use this technology - Secondly, I'm interested in a *relational-data parallel-functional* cross-over, which is why I implemented it the way that I did in Spark - No need to explore more array languages, it's more Fortran: see Dask, Julia, etc. </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Need for a Next-Gen Spark ### - Papers published on ["Spark for supercomputing"](https://github.com/SciPioneer/Smart) - Reimplements the core logic in MPI and C++ - Scientific computing and MPI can help optimize *join* - Ghost cells and partitioning strategies are a way to avoid all-to-all communication (the shuffle) - Automatically compile to GPUs or shared-memory multicore machines, ala Thrust - More joins, adding the missing relational ones - And the ability to plan parallel execution, i.e., flattening, based on index types, like arrays and hashmaps, for constant time lookup </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Finally ### - Not actually suggesting writing simulations in SQL - Decades of code in BLAS, LINPACK, etc. - But, there are ideas worth revisiting - Vector data parallelism is decades old - SQL and relational data is more decades old - This talk was an outcome of my desire to see a faster Spark that combines the best of all aspects, including scientific supercomputing - Raising the question of where we might go about making parallel computing better, usable, and more performant for everyone </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- START SLIDE --> <section data-markdown><textarea data-template> ### Thanks for listening! ### For more talks like mine on Supercomputing, see another Jonathan, [Jonathan Dursi](https://www.dursi.ca/) <img src="local/triforce.png" width=300> <img src="local/now_youre_thinking.png" width=300> <img src="local/sqlite_ring.png" width=300> </textarea></section> <!-- END SLIDE --> <!-- *** END VERTICAL *** --> </section> <!-- !!! 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