Source: jive-sdk-api/lib/util/constants.js

 * Copyright 2013 Jive Software
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

 * @module constants

 * @property {String} PUSH_DATA_TO_JIVE <b>pushDataToJive</b> Fired on request to push tile data update to Jive.
 * @property {String} PUSH_ACTIVITY_TO_JIVE Fired on request to push externatstream activity to Jive.
 * @property {String} PUSH_COMMENT_TO_JIVE Fired on request to push a comment into Jive.
 * @property {String} COMMENT_ON_ACTIVITY Fired on request to push a comment on an activity entry into Jive.
 * @property {String} COMMENT_ON_ACTIVITY_BY_EXTERNAL_ID Fired on request to push a comment on an activity entry into Jive.
 * @property {String} FETCH_COMMENTS_ON_ACTIVITY Fired on request for activity comments from Jive.
 * @property {String} FETCH_ALL_COMMENTS_FOR_EXT_STREAM Fired on request for activity comments from Jive.
 * @property {String} INSTANCE_REGISTRATION Fired on request to register a new tile or externalstream instance.
 * @property {String} INSTANCE_UNREGISTRATION Fired on request to destroy a tile or externalstream instance.
 * @property {String} CLIENT_APP_REGISTRATION Fired on request to register a Jive instance on the service.
 * @property {String} GET_PAGINATED_RESULTS Fired on request for paginated results from a Jive service.
 * @property {String} GET_EXTERNAL_PROPS Fired on request for retrieving external props on a tile or externalstream instance.
 * @property {String} SET_EXTERNAL_PROPS Fired on request for setting external props on a tile or externalstream instance.
 * @property {String} DELETE_EXTERNAL_PROPS  Fired on request for deleting external props on a tile or externalstream instance.
exports.tileEventNames = {

 * @property {String} NEW_INSTANCE Fired when a new tile or externalstream instance is created.
 * @property {String} INSTANCE_UPDATED Fired when a tile or externalstream instance is updated.
 * @property {String} INSTANCE_REMOVED Fired when a tile or externalstream instance is destroyed.
 * @property {String} DATA_PUSHED Fired when a tile instance updated is pushed into Jive.
 * @property {String} ACTIVITY_PUSHED Fired when an externalstream instance is pushed into Jive.
 * @property {String} COMMENT_PUSHED Fired when an externalstream instance comment is pushed into Jive.
 * @property {String} CLIENT_APP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS Fired when a community registers itself with the addon service successfully.
 * @property {String} CLIENT_APP_REGISTRATION_FAILED Fired when a community registers itself with the addon service unsuccessfully.
exports.globalEventNames = {
    'CLIENT_APP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS' : 'registeredJiveInstanceSuccess',
    'CLIENT_APP_REGISTRATION_FAILED' : 'registeredJiveInstanceFailed'

 * @property {String} WORKER Worker nodes typically do not handle HTTP requests, and are concerned mostly with background tasks.
 * @property {String} PUSHER A subspecies of WORKER node, specializing in making HTTP requests.
 * @property {String} HTTP_HANDLER HTTP handler nodes specialize in accepting incoming requests, and possibly forwarding them for further processing.
exports.roles = {

 * This is the string normally appended to incoming v3 entities, for the purpose of thwarting security threats: <br>
 *     throw 'allowIllegalResourceCall is false.';
 * @type {string}
exports.SECURITY_STRING = "throw 'allowIllegalResourceCall is false.';\n";