Scrum Catechism

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What is Scrum?

A framework for productively and creatively developing and sustaining complex products with the highest possible value

Is Scrum simple to implement?


How is scrum empirical?

It employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.

Which are the three pillars of empirical process control?

TIA: Transparency, Inspection, Adaption.

How is transparancy guaranteed within scrum?

- Common language about the process 
- Clear Definition of Done.

How is inspection implemented within scrum?

Frequent but not too frequent inspections of scrum artifacts and progress towared a Sprint Goal to detect undesirable variances.

How is adaption implemented within scrum?

As soon as an undesirable variance is detected, the process or material being processed is adapted to minimize further deviation.


The Scrum Team

Who are the members of a scrum team?

Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team

What are two important characteristics of Scrum Teams?

Self-organized, cross-functional.

How is a Scrum Team self-organized?

Not being directed by others
They choose how best to accomplish their work.

What is the value of being cross-functional as a Scrum Team?

Not depending on others to accomplish the work

What is the output of a Scrum Team?

Iteratively and incrementally delivered products that are 'Done' (a useful and working product)

What is the value of iteratively and incrementally deliveries?

Frequent inspection possibilities

The Product Owner

What is the main responsibility of the Product Owner?

Maximizing the value of the product and providing work for the Development Team.

What is his main instrument to this purpose?

The Product Backlog.

Is the Product Backlog a shared responsibility?

No. He is the sole person responsible.

What are characteristics of items on the Product Backlog?

- transparant, clearly expressed and visible for all
- Ordered to best achieve goals
- Optimized to provide value

May the P.O. delegate his responsibilities regarding the Product Backlog?

Yes. However, the P.O. remains accountable.

What is an important requirement for the P.O. to succeed

The organization should respect his decisions.

The Development Team

Who will tell the team how to turn Product Backlog items into increments of releasable functionality?

No one except the Development Team itself.

What roles / titles does scrum recognize within a Development Team?

Only one: 'Developer' for all team members. There are no sub-teams or fixed roles. 

Can a person have an area of focus or a specialized skill within a scrum team?

Of course. But accountability belongs to the Development Team as a whole.

What is the ideal size of the Development Team?

3 <= teamsize <= 9. P.O. and S.M. are included in this count when active in the Dev Team.

The Scrum Master

What are the main responsibilities of the Scrum Master?

- Ensuring that Scrum is understood and enacted. 
- Optimizes interactions with those outside the Scrum team

How does the Scrum Master help the Product Owner?

- Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management
- Helping the Scrum team to clarify PBI's
- Helping with the empirical planning process
- Helping the P.O. to order the backlog to maximize value
- Agility
- Facilitating Scrum events and ensuring the Scrum Team understand its purpose

How does the Scrum Master help the Development Team?

- Coaching the team to be self-organizing and cross-functional.
- Helping the team to create high-value products
- Removing impediments
- Facilitating Scrum events and ensuring the Development Team understand its purpose
- Adopting scrum and increasing understanding of scrum

How does the Scrum Master help the organization

- Leading and coaching in adapting Scrum
- Causing productivity increasing changes
- Working with other scrum masters to increase effectiveness of scrum

Scrum Events

What events does Scrum define?

The Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective.

What is an important characteristic of Scrum events?

Events are timeboxed

Can these events be skipped when the Scrum Team doesn't deem the events necessary?

No. Transparency will be reduced and an important opportunity to inspect and adapt is lost.

The Sprint

What is the maximum timebox of a sprint?

A month

What is the output of a sprint

A potentially shippable product increment

What does a sprint contain and consist of?

All other Events and the development work.

What is fixed within the sprint

The sprint goal, the quality goals

What is flexible within the sprint

The scope and the plan to reach the goal

When can a sprint be cancelled and by who?

The P.O. can cancel a sprint if it is obsolete. Avoid this.

Sprint Planning

What is the maximum timebox of the Sprint Planning?

8 hours for a one month sprint.

What are the two questions the Sprint Planning answers?

- What can be delivered in this Sprint
- How is this achieved.

Who defines the Sprint Goal

- The Scrum Team

What is input to this meeting?

- The latest increment
- Projected capacity of the Dev Team
- Past performance of the Dev Team

Who selects the number of items from the Product Backlog?

The Development Team

What is the main reason for a Sprint Goal?

To provide the Why

How is determined How the Product Backlog items will be turned into a working product?

The development team starts breaking down and designing the items into work units

Should all PBI's be broken down into tasks?

No, only a few to ensure the first few days of the sprint can be productive.

What does the team do if it has too much or too little?

Negotiate with the P.O., invite others for advice

What should the Development Team be able to do at the end of the Sprint Planning?

Explain to the P.O. and S.M. how the work will be done to accomplish the goal and increment.

Why is the Sprint Goal important?

It allows the Dev Team to negotiate the scope of the Sprint Backlog within the sprint with the P.O.

Daily Scrum

What is the timebox for the daily scrum?

15 minutes

What is the goal of the daily scrum?

To synchronize activities and create a forecast for the next day.

How is this typically done?

By the three questions: What did I do yesterday towards the Sprint Goal? What will i do today for the Sprint Goal? Are there any impediments?

Can the Development Team discuss details?

Yes, but often this is done after the Daily Scrum

May others apart from the Dev Team participate in the Daily Scrum?


Sprint Review

What is the timebox of the Sprint Review?

4 hours for a month-length sprint

What is the purpose of the Sprint Review?

Inspect the increment; adapt the Product Backlog to maximize value

Who will participate in the Sprint Review?

The Scrum Team and the stakeholders

What is the role of the Product Owner in the Sprint Review?

Presenting what Product Backlog Items have been Done, and projecting progress in the future, and adjusting the Product Backlog if needed

What is the role of the Development Team in the Sprint Review?

Discuss what went well, and what problems were solved
Presenting the work that it has Done and answering questions.

What is the role of all participants in the Sprint Review?

Collaborating on what to do next as input for the Sprint Planning

Sprint Retrospective

What is the timebox of the Sprint Retrospective?

3 hours for a one-month Sprint

Who participates in the Sprint Retrospective?

The Scrum Team, as peers

What is the main goal of the Sprint Retrospective?

To create a plan for improvements for the next sprint

What areas could improve?

Effectiveness, enjoyability, product quality.

Scrum Artifacts

Product Backlog

What is the main purpose of the Product Backlog

To be the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to a product

Who is responsible for the PB?

The P.O.

What are attributes of all Product Backlog Items?

- description
- order
- estimate
- value

How is the backlog maintained

By Product Backlog refinement

Who is doing this?

The Development Team and the Product Owner

When is a Product Backlog Item 'Ready' for selection in a Sprint Planning?

When it can be 'Done' within a sprint.

Who is responsible for the estimates?

The Development Team.

How can the Product Backlog be used to monitor progress towards a goal?

By projecting the estimates of what has happened in the past on the future

Sprint Backlog

What is the Sprint Backlog?

A forecast of the Development Team of what functionality will be available in the next increment and what work needs to be done to accomplish this.

Who is responsible for the Sprint Backlog?

The Development Team.

Is the Sprint Backlog fixed?

No, the Development Team modifies it as needed during the sprint.

How can the Sprint Backlog be used to monitor progress toward the Sprint Goal?

Remaining work is tracked. 


What is the increment?

Sum of all PBI's completed during a Sprint and the value of the increments of all previous Sprints.

Artifact Transparency

Who should monitor and enforce transparency?

The Scrum Master

Why is transparency important?

Decisions will be flawed if transparency is less

How is transparency about 'Done' achieved?

By defining a shared understanding of 'Done' per Scrum Team. (Definition of Done)

Summary by Jan Willem Boer, februari 2015, based on the official Scrum Guide