FusionTablesLayer Wizard

Use this wizard with Google Fusion Tables to create maps with multiple layers, a search feature, or a custom-styled base map. Once the Preview shows your desired map, copy and paste the code from the text area below to display the map on your own website.

The HTML and Javascript generated below also get you started using FusionTablesLayers in the Google Maps API. See code examples for more functionality.

Please submit bug reports to our Issue Tracker.

1. Add map layers

The table needs to be accessible and downloadable.

2. Set map size and zoom

Zoom and pan the preview map as you'd like it to appear.
Width: px, Height: px

3. Style base map

More options





4. Your HTML

This code uses the Google Maps JavaScript API v3, which has its own usage limits and TOS. For background, see the Google Geo Developers blog.