String S is a SP-string if some non-empty prefix of S is also a suffix of S. The prefix (the suffix) can't be the whole string. For example, strings "AA" and "ABCABC" are SP-strings, but strings "AB", "ABCB" are not. String S is a N-string if it satisfies the following conditions:
For example, "ABBA" is a 2-string because it contains only the first 2 letters of the alphabet, and both "ABBAA" and "ABBAB" are SP-strings. There is an infinite number of N-strings, but in this problem we will consider only N-strings of minimal length (that is, N-strings of length L such that no N-string of length less than L exists).
You will be given two ints - N and K. Build all the shortest possible N-strings and sort them alphabetically. Return the substring of the K-th string from index leftIdx (inclusive) to index rightIdx (exclusive). Return "" if the K-th string contains less than rightIdx characters or the K-th string doesn't exist.
Class: InterestingStrings Method: findSubstring Parameters: int, int, int, int Returns: string Method signature: string findSubstring(int N, int K, int leftIdx, int rightIdx) (be sure your method is public)
0) 1 0 3 Returns: "BAB" 1) 1 0 0 1 Returns: "A" 2) 2 0 1 3 Returns: "BA" 3) 4 0 7 9 Returns: "DA" 4) 3 1 0 7 Returns: "ACABACA" 5) 5 1000 99999999 100000000 Returns: ""
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