You are writing software that will spider a web site (that is, it visits all links on the homepage, then visits all links on those pages, etc.), and travels three levels deep. You have a list of all the links found in the first pass, in the second pass, and in the third pass.
You are given a vector
You are given a vector
You are finally given a vector
You are to return an int indicating the number of distinct pages (not including the initial homepage) visited during this crawl of the web site.
0) {"home.htm", "sitemap.htm", "contact.htm", "support/login.jsp"} {"2 locations.htm", "3 ../home.htm"} {"0 contact.htm"} Returns: 5
On the home page, the first pass finds that there are four links: "home.htm", "sitemap.htm", "contact.htm", and "login.jsp". Notice that the login page is in the "support" folder.
On the second pass, we find that the contact page has a link to "locations.htm", and the login page has a link back to the home page (which we have already visited).
On the third (and final) pass, we find that the locations page has a link back to the contact page (which we have already seen).
So, we take account of all pages found on the site: home, sitemap, contact, login, and locations. Thus, there are five pages.
1) {"index.html","products/all/INDEX.HTML","images/products/A101.GIF"} {"1 ../../index.html","1 ../../products"} {} Returns: 4
Note that the second link in secondPass is to products, which is the same as a directory name. This is allowed, and should be counted separately.
2) {".rc"} {} {} Returns: 1 3) {"a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"} {"0 a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"} {"0 ../a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a", "0 ..a/a", "0 a../a.."} Returns: 5 4) {"abc/ccba","ab/cba","..a"} {"0 cba","1 ccba"} {"0 cba","1 ccba"} Returns: 5 5) {"a","ab/ab","ab/ab/abc","abc/abc"} {"0 ab/ab","1 ab","1 ../ab/ab","2 ../../ab/abc"} {"0 ../ab/ab","2 ../abc/abc","1 ab/ab"} Returns: 6 6) {"a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"} {"0 ../../../../../../../../a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"} {"0 ../../../../../../../../a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"} Returns: 1 7) {"index.asp", "contact.asp", "about/index.asp", "users/support.asp", "company/executiveteam.asp", "products/catalog.asp"} {"1 index.asp", "1 requestinfo.asp", "2 ../index.asp", "2 history.asp", "3 ../index.asp", "3 helpdesk.asp", "4 ../index.asp", "4 boardofdirectors.asp", "4 location.asp", "5 ../index.asp", "5 new/index.asp", "5 ../index.asp", "5 sale.asp"} {"10 ../../index.asp", "11 products/index.asp", "11 products/catalog.asp"} Returns: 14
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