Complete the following steps:

  1. Using either the EDAT system or a direct download of the files from the course website, download a dataset from the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Include the following variables from the public school district data:
    • District student population
    • Number of schools
    • Location of the district (i.e. which state and county the district is in)
    • Total number of teachers
    • Total expenditures per pupil in FY98
    • Total salaries and wages
    • Total instructional salaries and wages
    • any other variables you would like to use
  2. Now, go the Bureau of Economic Analysis website and download data on state and county-level income for the same year as SASS (1998).
  3. Merge the two datasets.
  4. Conduct an analysis as to whether any of the above district spending variables appear to be related to county or state-level income. You can use graphical approaches if you wish.