For this assignment, you’ll need to use the California school district data (caschools.dta). Complete the following steps:

  1. Create a categorical variable for district size, dividing districts by quartiles. Create a variable name for this variable as well as value labels for each school size as follows:
    • Small
    • Medium-Small
    • Medium-Large
    • Large
  2. Calculate the total number of students enrolled in each type of school district (small through large).
  3. Calculate the average reading score, math score, and welfare percent in each type of school district (small through large).
  4. Create graphics for districts by size showing the distribution of reading scores and math scores.
  5. Create another graphic showing the relationship between expenditures per student and math scores by district size.

Submit a well-documented and well-organized do file, with the proper name to our class website on Blackboard by the deadline. Remember proper naming conventions for files submitted.