Last updated: 2019-01-11
workflowr checks: (Click a bullet for more information) ✔ R Markdown file: up-to-date
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✔ Environment: empty
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✔ Seed:
The command set.seed(12345)
was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.
✔ Session information: recorded
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✔ Repository version: ec05274
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .DS_Store
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: .Rproj.user/
Ignored: data/.DS_Store
Ignored: output/.DS_Store
Untracked files:
Untracked: KalistoAbundance18486.txt
Untracked: analysis/DirectionapaQTL.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/PreAshExplore.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/YL_QTL_test.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/ncbiRefSeq_sm.sort.mRNA.bed
Untracked: analysis/snake.config.notes.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/verifyBAM.Rmd
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/strober_pc_pve_heatmap_func.R
Untracked: data/18486.genecov.txt
Untracked: data/
Untracked: data/ChromHmmOverlap/
Untracked: data/GM12878.chromHMM.bed
Untracked: data/GM12878.chromHMM.txt
Untracked: data/LianoglouLCL/
Untracked: data/LocusZoom/
Untracked: data/NuclearApaQTLs.txt
Untracked: data/PeakCounts/
Untracked: data/PeaksUsed/
Untracked: data/RNAkalisto/
Untracked: data/TotalApaQTLs.txt
Untracked: data/Totalpeaks_filtered_clean.bed
Untracked: data/UnderstandPeaksQC/
Untracked: data/YL-SP-18486-T-combined-genecov.txt
Untracked: data/YL-SP-18486-T_S9_R1_001-genecov.txt
Untracked: data/YL_QTL_test/
Untracked: data/apaExamp/
Untracked: data/bedgraph_peaks/
Untracked: data/bin200.5.T.nuccov.bed
Untracked: data/bin200.Anuccov.bed
Untracked: data/bin200.nuccov.bed
Untracked: data/clean_peaks/
Untracked: data/comb_map_stats.csv
Untracked: data/comb_map_stats.xlsx
Untracked: data/comb_map_stats_39ind.csv
Untracked: data/combined_reads_mapped_three_prime_seq.csv
Untracked: data/diff_iso_trans/
Untracked: data/ensemble_to_genename.txt
Untracked: data/example_gene_peakQuant/
Untracked: data/explainProtVar/
Untracked: data/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqTrans.closest2End.bed
Untracked: data/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqTrans.closest2End.noties.bed
Untracked: data/first50lines_closest.txt
Untracked: data/gencov.test.csv
Untracked: data/gencov.test.txt
Untracked: data/gencov_zero.test.csv
Untracked: data/gencov_zero.test.txt
Untracked: data/gene_cov/
Untracked: data/joined
Untracked: data/leafcutter/
Untracked: data/
Untracked: data/mol_overlap/
Untracked: data/mol_pheno/
Untracked: data/nom_QTL/
Untracked: data/nom_QTL_opp/
Untracked: data/nom_QTL_trans/
Untracked: data/nuc6up/
Untracked: data/other_qtls/
Untracked: data/pQTL_otherphen/
Untracked: data/peakPerRefSeqGene/
Untracked: data/perm_QTL/
Untracked: data/perm_QTL_opp/
Untracked: data/perm_QTL_trans/
Untracked: data/perm_QTL_trans_filt/
Untracked: data/reads_mapped_three_prime_seq.csv
Untracked: data/smash.cov.results.bed
Untracked: data/smash.cov.results.csv
Untracked: data/smash.cov.results.txt
Untracked: data/smash_testregion/
Untracked: data/ssFC200.cov.bed
Untracked: data/temp.file1
Untracked: data/temp.file2
Untracked: data/temp.gencov.test.txt
Untracked: data/temp.gencov_zero.test.txt
Untracked: data/threePrimeSeqMetaData.csv
Untracked: output/picard/
Untracked: output/plots/
Untracked: output/qual.fig2.pdf
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/28ind.peak.explore.Rmd
Modified: analysis/CompareLianoglouData.Rmd
Modified: analysis/apaQTLoverlapGWAS.Rmd
Modified: analysis/cleanupdtseq.internalpriming.Rmd
Modified: analysis/coloc_apaQTLs_protQTLs.Rmd
Modified: analysis/dif.iso.usage.leafcutter.Rmd
Modified: analysis/diff_iso_pipeline.Rmd
Modified: analysis/explainpQTLs.Rmd
Modified: analysis/explore.filters.Rmd
Modified: analysis/flash2mash.Rmd
Modified: analysis/overlapMolQTL.Rmd
Modified: analysis/overlap_qtls.Rmd
Modified: analysis/peakOverlap_oppstrand.Rmd
Modified: analysis/pheno.leaf.comb.Rmd
Modified: analysis/swarmPlots_QTLs.Rmd
Modified: analysis/test.max2.Rmd
Modified: analysis/understandPeaks.Rmd
Modified: code/Snakefile
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
In this analysis I am gonig to explore the ways to handle mispriming in the 3’ seq data. Some people call this internal priming. This is when the polyDt primer attached to an RNA molecule that has a long stretch of A’s rather than to the tail. You can identify when this is happening because polyA tails are not in the genome but mispriming As are. In my data I need to look for Ts upstream of the read. This is because our reads are on the opposite strand.
Sheppard et al. cited 2 other papers, Beaudoing et al 2000 and Tian et al 2005. Thet excluded reads with 6 consequitive upstream As or those with 7 in a 10nt window. They did this at the read level.
I started thinking about this in I did not have it mapped out correctly because I was looking for A’s on one strand and T’s on the other.
I will assess the problem then will create a blacklist to get rid of the reads. I should do this in the snakefile before we create BW for the peak calling.
I can start by updating To make a new script that grabs the upstream 10 bases. I will look for7 of 10 T’s in this region. I am going to do this in python because it is more straight forward to read then an awk script. I can also wrap it easier this way. I can also account for negative values and values larger than the chromosome this way.
def main(Fin, Fout):
outBed=open(Fout, "w")
#make a dictionary with chrom lengths
for i in chrom_lengths:
chrom, start, end = i.split()
#write file
for ln in open(Fin):
chrom, start, end, name, score, strand = ln.split()
if strand=="+":
if start_new <= 1:
start_new = 0
end_new= int(start)
if end_new == 0:
outBed.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(chrom, start_new, end_new, name, score, strand))
if strand == "-":
end_new=int(end) + 10
if end_new >= length_dic[chrom]:
end_new = length_dic[chrom]
outBed.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(chrom, start_new, end_new, name, score, strand))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
inFile = sys.argv[1]
outFile="/project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/bed_10up/" + fileshort + "10up.bed"
main(inFile, outFile)
I can wrap this for all of the files.
#SBATCH --job-name=w_Upstream10Bases
#SBATCH --account=pi-yangili1
#SBATCH --time=8:00:00
#SBATCH --output=w_Upstream10Bases.out
#SBATCH --error=w_Upstream10Bases.err
#SBATCH --partition=broadwl
#SBATCH --mem=8G
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
module load Anaconda3
source activate three-prime-env
for i in $(ls /project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/bed_sort/*-combined-sort.bed); do
python $i
I need to sort the files:
Next step is running the nuc function to get the sequences of the positions I just put in the bed files.
bedtools nuc
-fi (fasta file) /project2/gilad/briana/genome_anotation_data/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.all.fa
-bed results from 10up stream
-s strand specific
-seq print exracted sequence
#SBATCH --job-name=Nuc10BasesUp
#SBATCH --account=pi-yangili1
#SBATCH --time=8:00:00
#SBATCH --output=Nuc10BasesUp.out
#SBATCH --error=Nuc10BasesUp.err
#SBATCH --partition=broadwl
#SBATCH --mem=36G
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
for i in $(ls /project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/bed_10up/*);do
describer=$(echo ${i} | sed -e 's/.*YL-SP-//' | sed -e "s/-combined-sort10up.bed$//")
bedtools nuc -s -seq -fi /project2/gilad/briana/genome_anotation_data/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.all.fa -bed $i > /project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/nuc_10up/TenBaseUP.${describer}.txt
#SBATCH --job-name=sort_10upbedFile
#SBATCH --account=pi-yangili1
#SBATCH --time=8:00:00
#SBATCH --output=sort_10upbedFile.out
#SBATCH --error=sort_10upbedFile.err
#SBATCH --partition=broadwl
#SBATCH --mem=8G
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
for i in $( ls /project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/bed_10up/*);do
describer=$(echo ${i} | sed -e 's/.*YL-SP-//' | sed -e "s/-combined-sort10up.bed$//")
sort -k 1,1 -k2,2n $i > /project2/gilad/briana/threeprimeseq/data/bed_10up_sort/YL-SP-${describer}-combined-sort10up.sort.bed
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 10.14.1
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] workflowr_1.1.1 Rcpp_0.12.19 digest_0.6.17
[4] rprojroot_1.3-2 R.methodsS3_1.7.1 backports_1.1.2
[7] git2r_0.23.0 magrittr_1.5 evaluate_0.11
[10] stringi_1.2.4 whisker_0.3-2 R.oo_1.22.0
[13] R.utils_2.7.0 rmarkdown_1.10 tools_3.5.1
[16] stringr_1.3.1 yaml_2.2.0 compiler_3.5.1
[19] htmltools_0.3.6 knitr_1.20
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.1.1