Get packages

# install.packages("devtools")

Installing rrtools imports many of the packages we’ll need today (eg, have a look at the imports section of the DESCRIPTION file).

Imports: devtools, git2r, whisker, rstudioapi, rmarkdown, knitr,
    bookdown, curl, RCurl, jsonlite, methods, httr, usethis, clisymbols,
    crayon, glue, readr (>= 1.1.1)

Now also install some additional packages we’ll need for the workshop.

    # source paper analysis
    "dplyr", "ggplot2", "readr", "ggthemes", "here",
    # bibliographic / publishing
    "citr", "rticles", "rmarkdown", 
    # documentation
    # graphics

Get data

Today we’ll be working with a small example of materials from a published compendium of code, data, and author’s manuscript accompanying the publication:

Carl Boettiger . From noise to knowledge: how randomness generates novel phenomena and reveals information. Published in Ecology Letters, 22 May 2018

You can download the materials using usethis::use_course() and supplying a path to a destination folder to argument destdir:

usethis::use_course(url = "", destdir = "~/Desktop")

This will download everything we need from a GitHub repository as a .zip file, unzip it and launch it in a Rstudio project for us to explore in a new session.


├── <- .......................repo README
├── analysis.R <- ......................analysis underlying paper
├── gillespie.csv <-
├── paper.pdf <- .......................LaTex pdf of the paper
├── paper.txt <- .......................text body of the paper
├── refs.bib <- ........................bibtex bibliographic file
└── rrtools-wkshp-materials.Rproj <- ...rstudio project file

Now we’re going to work with paper.txt and analysis.R and combine the in a literate programming document to reproduce paper.pdf

We’ll use this as an opportunity to create a new research compendium using rrtools and friends!

Create compendium

load library

library(rrtools) # will confirm that you have Git installed and configured
✔ Git is installed on this computer, your username is annakrystalli

If your git configuration hasn’t been set yet, you can use usethis::use_git_config(), eg

Set git configuration:

use_git_config( = "Jane", = "")

Check git configuration:

[1] "Jane"

[1] ""

create compendium

Now all we need to do to create a compendium is give it a path in which to create compendium. Because this will effectively create a package, only a single stringe of alpha-numeric characters are accepted.

✔ Setting active project to '/Users/Anna/Documents/workflows/rrcompendium'
✔ Creating 'R/'
✔ Creating 'man/'
✔ Writing 'NAMESPACE'
✔ Writing 'rrcompendium.Rproj'
✔ Adding '.Rproj.user' to '.gitignore'
✔ Adding '^rrcompendium\\.Rproj$', '^\\.Rproj\\.user$' to '.Rbuildignore'
✔ Opening new project 'rrcompendium' in RStudio
✔ The package rrcompendium has been created
✔ Opening the new compendium in a new RStudio session...

Next, you need to:  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
● Edit the DESCRIPTION file
● Use other 'rrtools' functions to add components to the compendium

Initiate git

We can initialise our compendium with .git using:


N.B. Beware, you may have ended up with two Rstudio sessions of rrcompendium. Make sure to only have one session of a single project at one time to avoid problems.

Inspect templates

├── DESCRIPTION <- .............................package metadata
|                                               dependency management
├── NAMESPACE <- ...............................AUTO-GENERATED on build
├── R <- .......................................folder for functions
├── man <- .....................................AUTO-GENERATED on build
└── rrcompendium.Rproj <- ......................rstudio project file

rrtools::use_compendium() creates the bare backbone of infrastructure required for a research compendium. At this point the infrastructure provides facilities to store general metadata about our compendium (eg bibliographic details to create a citation) and manage dependencies in the DESCRIPTION file and store and document functions in the R/ folder. Together these allow you to manage, install and share functionality associated with our project

update description file

Let’s update some basic details in the DESCRIPTION file:

Package: rrcompendium
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
    person(given = "First",
           family = "Last",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "")
Description: What the package does (one paragraph)
License: What license it uses
ByteCompile: true
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true


Let’s start with giving our compendium a descriptive title:

Title: Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 
    with rrtools


We don’t need to change the version now but using semantic versioning of the compendium can be a really useful way to version changes. In general, versions below 0.0.1 are in development, hence the DESCRIPTION file defaults to


Next let’s specify the authors of the compendium. Edit with your own details

    person(given = "Anna",
           family = "Krystalli",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "")

For more details on specifying authors, check documentation using ?person


Let’s add a bit more detail about the contents of the compendium

Description: This repository contains the research compendium of the 
    partial reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267. 
    The compendium contains all data, code, and text associated with this       sub-section of the analysis


Finally, let’s add a license for the material we create. This only covers the code. Additional licenses (eg CC0 CC-BY) would be required to cover data and other documents. But for now we’ll gloss over this ommission. See for more details and other options.

✔ Setting License field in DESCRIPTION to 'MIT + file LICENSE'
✔ Writing ''
✔ Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore'

This creates files LICENSE and and updates the DESCRIPTION file with details of the license.

License: MIT + file LICENSE


We’ve finished updating our DESCRIPTION file! 🎉

It should look a bit like this:

Package: rrcompendium
Title: Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 
    with rrtools
    person(given = "Anna",
           family = "Krystalli",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "")
Description: This repository contains the research compendium of the partial 
    reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267. The compendium 
    contains all data, code, and text associated with this sub-section of the 
License: MIT + file LICENSE
ByteCompile: true
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true

and your project folder should contain:

├── R
├── man
└── rrcompendium.Rproj

Let’s commit our work and move on to preparing our compendium for sharing on GitHub.