User hierarchies

Checksheet management system primarily contains three user groups:
  • Root User
  • Advisor User
  • Student User

Root User

Root user is the main user group of checksheet management system. In an educational institution, root users would represent department heads from different departments. Root users have the power to add other root users (other department heads) and advisor (department members) into the checksheet management system. Each root user is identified by their ID and their email.

The task and responsiblities of root user have been described in their respective user documentation section.

The first root user inside an empty checksheet management system is instantiated by the system administrator. Steps for which have been described in Installation Instructions.

Advisor User

Advisor user are primarily responsible for using the checksheets provided to them by their department, adding and managing new students to the system and matching existing student (for students with multiple major/minor). An advisor can add students, view or modify student’s checksheets, allot appointment times for any given week for students to be able to schedule appointments, and create/manage empty checksheet from checksheet workshop. Each advisor user is identified by their ID and their email.

It is important to note that any advisor has to match a new student with an empty checksheet so that the student can start managing their checksheet, when the advisor is adding any student’s account to the checksheet management system.

Student User

Students have the responsiblity of manging their checksheets and making appointments with advisors so that they can schedule classes. The checksheet management can be done with a very simplistic interface for the student’s benefit. Student’s can also view their advisor’s broadcasted message, get a graph of status of their current checksheet and schedule appointments with their advisor within three weeks from that date.