Pluralsight WebGL and ThreeJS Fundamentals Pluralsight Course Examples

This repository contains all the examples from my Pluralsight three.js course.

For more information please refer to or contact me via twitter at @alexjmackey . The examples were created against three.js r67 version.

Thanks to the three.js team for producing such an awesome library :)


Creative Commons License
Pluralsight webgl-threejs-fundamentals course examples by webgl-threejs-fundamentals is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Note I have utilized a few textures and models from the three.js src examples and some additional sources which have their own licencing conditions. All assets credited with readme.txt file and original license file where required.


Module 2 - Three.js building blocks

  1. Hello World
  2. GUI for properties
  3. Three.js Boilerplate

Module 3 - Meshes and Geometry

  1. Meshes
  2. Sphere Geometry
  3. Creating Geometry
  4. Modifying Geometry
  5. Collada Loader
  6. Three.js Loader
  7. Exporting Geometry

Module 4 - Meshes and Geometry

  1. Materials
  2. Lighting and Materials
  3. Shadows
  4. Simple Texture
  5. Transparency
  6. Transparent Texture
  7. Repeating Textures
  8. Bump Map

Module 5 - Scene Interaction

  1. Move camera with keyboard
  2. Orbit Controls
  3. Fly Controls
  4. Raycasting
  5. Raycasting and movement
  6. Box 3
  7. Physics Engine (physijs)
  8. Balancing game