Source code for tools

# Authors: Arash Dehghan Banadaki <>, Srikanth Patala <>
# Copyright (c) 2015,  Arash Dehghan Banadaki and Srikanth Patala.
# License: GNU-GPL Style.
# How to cite GBpy:
# Banadaki, A. D. & Patala, S. "An efficient algorithm for computing the primitive bases of a general lattice plane",
# Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, 585-588 (2015). doi:10.1107/S1600576715004446

import numpy as np
import os, sys, inspect
import integer_manipulations as int_man
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Col(object): """ This class is defined to ouput a word or sentence in a different color to the standard shell. The colors available are: ``pink``, ``blue``, ``green``, ``dgrn``: dark green, ``yellow``, ``amber`` """ def __init__(self): = '\033[95m' = '\033[94m' = '\033[92m' self.dgrn = '\033[1;32m' self.yellow = '\033[93m' self.amber = '\033[91m' self.ENDC = '\033[0m'
[docs] def c_prnt(self, text, color): """ Print a string in color, Parameters ---------- Col: Col class instance an instance of the ``Col`` class text: string Text to be shown in color. color: string Returns -------- N/A """ if color is 'pink': a = elif color is 'blue': a = elif color is 'green': a = elif color is 'dgrn': a = self.dgrn elif color is 'yel': a = self.yellow elif color is 'amber': a = self.amber else: raise Exception('The color you selected is not acceptable') print a + text + self.ENDC # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def lll_reduction(matrix, delta=0.75): """ _________________________________________________________________________ This function has been borrowed from pymatgen project with slight changes in input and output handling. Link to the project: Link to the source code: _________________________________________________________________________ Performs a Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz lattice basis reduction to obtain a c-reduced basis. This method returns a basis which is as "good" as possible, with "good" defined by orthongonality of the lattice vectors. Parameters ---------- delta: float Reduction parameter. \v Default of 0.75 is usually fine. Returns ------- a: numpy array Reduced lattice: """ if int_man.int_check(matrix, 10).all(): # Transpose the lattice matrix first so that basis vectors are columns. # Makes life easier. a = np.array(matrix) sz = a.shape b = np.zeros((3, 3)) # Vectors after the Gram-Schmidt process u = np.zeros((3, 3)) # Gram-Schmidt coeffieicnts m = np.zeros(3) # These are the norm squared of each vec. b[:, 0] = a[:, 0] m[0] =[:, 0], b[:, 0]) for i in xrange(1, sz[1]): u[i, 0:i] =[:, i].T, b[:, 0:i]) / m[0:i] b[:, i] = a[:, i] -[:, 0:i], u[i, 0:i].T) m[i] =[:, i], b[:, i]) k = 2 while k <= sz[1]: # Size reduction. for i in xrange(k - 1, 0, -1): q = round(u[k - 1, i - 1]) if q != 0: # Reduce the k-th basis vector. a[:, k - 1] = a[:, k - 1] - q * a[:, i - 1] uu = list(u[i - 1, 0:(i - 1)]) uu.append(1) # Update the GS coefficients. u[k - 1, 0:i] = u[k - 1, 0:i] - q * np.array(uu) # Check the Lovasz condition. if[:, k - 1], b[:, k - 1]) >=\ (delta - abs(u[k - 1, k - 2]) ** 2) *\[:, (k - 2)], b[:, (k - 2)]): # Increment k if the Lovasz condition holds. k += 1 else: # If the Lovasz condition fails, # swap the k-th and (k-1)-th basis vector v = a[:, k - 1].copy() a[:, k - 1] = a[:, k - 2].copy() a[:, k - 2] = v # Update the Gram-Schmidt coefficients for s in xrange(k - 1, k + 1): u[s - 1, 0:(s - 1)] =[:, s - 1].T, b[:, 0:(s - 1)]) / m[0:(s - 1)] b[:, s - 1] = a[:, s - 1] -[:, 0:(s - 1)], u[s - 1, 0:(s - 1)].T) m[s - 1] =[:, s - 1], b[:, s - 1]) if k > (sz[1]-1): k -= 1 else: # We have to do p/q, so do lstsq(q.T, p.T).T instead. p =[:, k:sz[1]].T, b[:, (k - (sz[1]-1)):k]) q = np.diag(m[(k - (sz[1]-1)):k]) result = np.linalg.lstsq(q.T, p.T)[0].T u[k:sz[1], (k - (sz[1]-1)):k] = result # checking if the reduced matrix is right handed # if np.linalg.det(a) < 0: # a[:, [1, 2]] = a[:, [2, 1]] return a else: raise Exception( 'The input to the lll_algorithm is expected to be integral') # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def eq(m1, m2, tol): """ Check if the two rotation matrices are the same """ if m1.ndim == 2 and m2.ndim == 2: m = abs(m1 - m2) if np.amax(m) < tol: return True else: return False elif m1.ndim == 2: msz = np.shape(m2)[0] tmat1 = m1.reshape((1, 9)) tmat2 = np.tile(tmat1, (msz, 1)) tmat3 = tmat2.reshape(msz, 3, 3) m = abs(tmat3 - m2) max1 = np.amax(np.amax(m, axis=1), axis=1) < tol if np.any(max1): return True else: return False elif m2.ndim == 2: msz = np.shape(m1)[0] tmat1 = m2.reshape(msz, (1, 9)) tmat2 = np.tile(tmat1, (msz, 1)) tmat3 = tmat2.reshape(msz, 3, 3) m = abs(m1 - tmat3) max1 = np.amax(np.amax(m, axis=1), axis=1) < tol if np.any(max1): return True else: return False else: if np.shape(m1)[0] == np.shape(m2)[0]: m = abs(m1 - m2) max1 = np.amax(np.amax(m, axis=1), axis=1) < tol return np.where(max1) else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Types') # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def message_display(CheckMatrix, Checknumber, Message, Precis): """ This function displays a Message (passed as input) and gives and error in case the matrix passed to it is not integral.` """ cond = int_man.int_check(CheckMatrix, Precis) print Checknumber, '.', Message, '-> ', txt = Col() if cond.all(): txt.c_prnt('YES', 'yel') else: txt.c_prnt('<<<Error>>>', 'amber') raise Exception('Something wrong!!') # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def extgcd(x, y): """ Return a tuple (u, v, d); they are the greatest common divisor d of two integers x and y and u, v such that d = x * u + y * v. """ # Crandall & Pomerance "PRIME NUMBERS", Algorithm 2.1.4 a, b, g, u, v, w = 1, 0, x, 0, 1, y while w: q, t = divmod(g, w) a, b, g, u, v, w = u, v, w, a-q*u, b-q*v, t if g >= 0: return a, b, g else: return -a, -b, -g # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def ehermite(a, b): """ Elementary Hermite tranformation. For integers a and b, E = ehermite(a,b) returns an integer matrix with determinant 1 such that E * [a;b] = [g;0], where g is the gcd of a and b. E = ehermite(a,b) This function is in some ways analogous to GIVENS. John Gilbert, 415-812-4487, December 1993 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Parameters ---------- a, b: integers Returns ------- E: numpy array 3x3 integer matrix with determinant 1 such that E * [a;b] = [g;0], where g is the gcd of a and b. """ [c, d, g] = extgcd(a, b) if g: E = np.array([[c, d], [-b/g, a/g]]) else: E = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) return E # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def left_matrix_division(X, Y): # solving the left matrix division X / Y # # --------- # # 1st alternative ---> Leaves unwanted decimals in some cases! tmp_solution = np.linalg.lstsq(Y.T, X.T)[0].T # # --------- # # 2nd alternative ---> Also Leaves unwanted decimals in some cases! # solution =, Y.T), np.linalg.inv(, Y.T))) # # --------- solution = (np.around(tmp_solution*1e10))/1e10 return solution # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def smith_nf(matrix): """ Smith normal form of an integer matrix. [U,S,V] = smith(A) returns integer matrices U, S, and V such that A = U*S*V', S is diagonal and nonnegative, S(i,i) divides S(i+1,i+1) for all i, det U =+-1, and det V =+-1. s = smith(A) just returns diag(S). Uses function ehermite. [U,S,V] = smith(A); This function is in some ways analogous to SVD. Originally implemented by: John Gilbert, 415-812-4487, December 1993 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Parameters ----------- matrix: numpy array Returns -------- S: numpy array S is diagonal and nonnegative, S(i,i) divides S(i+1,i+1) for all i U: numpy array det(U) =+-1 V: numpy array det(V) =+-1 """ A=np.copy(matrix) if (np.around(A) != A).any(): raise Exception('This function requires integer input.') # This looks much like an SVD algorithm that first bidiagonalizes # A by Givens rotations and then chases zeros, except for # the construction of the 2 by 2 elementary transformation. m, n = A.shape S = A U = np.eye(m) V = np.eye(n) # Bidiagonalize S with elementary Hermite transforms. for j in range(min(m, n)): # Zero column j below the diagonal. for i in range(j+1, m): if S[i, j]: # Construct an elementary Hermite transformation E # to zero S(i,j) by combining rows i and j. E = ehermite(S[j, j], S[i, j]) # Apply the transform to S and U. S[[j, i], :] =, S[[j, i], :]) # U[:, [j, i]] = U[:, [j, i]] / E U[:, [j, i]] = left_matrix_division(U[:, [j, i]], E) # solving the left matrix division # % Zero row j after the superdiagonal. for i in range(j+2, n): if S[j, i]: # Construct an elementary Hermite transformation E # to zero S(j,i) by combining columns j+1 and i. E = ehermite(S[j, j+1], S[j, i]) # Apply the transform to S and V. S[:, [j+1, i]] =[:, [j+1, i]], E.T) # V[:, [j+1, i]] = V[:, [j+1, i]] / E V[:, [j+1, i]] = left_matrix_division(V[:, [j+1, i]], E) # solving the left matrix division # Now S is upper bidiagonal. # Chase the superdiagonal nonzeros away. D = np.diag(S, 1) while any(D): b = min(np.where(D))[0] # Start chasing bulge at first nonzero superdiagonal element. # To guarantee reduction in S(b,b), first make S(b,b) positive # and make S(b,b+1) nonnegative and less than S(b,b). if S[b, b] < 0: S[b, :] = -S[b, :] U[:, b] = -U[:, b] q = np.floor(S[b, b+1] / S[b, b]) E = np.array([[1, 0], [-q, 1]]) S[:, [b, b+1]] =[:, [b, b+1]], E.T) # V[:, [b, b+1]] = V[:, [b, b+1]] / E V[:, [b, b+1]] = left_matrix_division(V[:, [b, b+1]], E) # solving the left matrix division if S[b, b+1]: # Zero the first nonzero superdiagonal element # using columns b and b+1, to start the bulge at S(b+1,b). E = ehermite(S[b, b], S[b, b+1]) S[:, [b, b+1]] =[:, [b, b+1]], E.T) # V[:, [b, b+1]] = V[:, [b, b+1]] / E V[:, [b, b+1]] = left_matrix_division(V[:, [b, b+1]], E) for j in range(min(m, n)): if j+1 < m: # Zero S(j+1,j) using rows j and j+1. E = ehermite(S[j, j], S[j+1, j]) S[[j, j+1], :] =, S[[j, j+1], :]) # U[:, [j, j+1]] = U[:, [j, j+1]] / E U[:, [j, j+1]] = left_matrix_division(U[:, [j, j+1]], E) if j+2 < n: # Zero S(j,j+2) using columns j+1 and j+2. E = ehermite(S[j, j+1], S[j, j+2]) S[:, [j+1, j+2]] =[:, [j+1, j+2]], E.T) # V[:, [j+1, j+2]] = V[:, [j+1, j+2]] / E V[:, [j+1, j+2]] = left_matrix_division(V[:, [j+1, j+2]], E) D = np.diag(S, 1) # Now S is diagonal. Make it nonnegative. for j in range(min(m, n)): if S[j, j] < 0: S[j, :] = -S[j, :] U[:, j] = -U[:, j] # Squeeze factors to lower right to enforce divisibility condition. for i in range(min(m, n)): for j in range(i+1, min(m, n)): # Replace S(i,i), S(j,j) by their gcd and lcm respectively. a = S[i, i] b = S[j, j] [c, d, g] = extgcd(a, b) E = np.array([[1, d], [-b/g, a*c/g]]) F = np.array([[c, 1], [-b*d/g, a/g]]) S[np.ix_([i, j], [i, j])] =, S[:, [i, j]][[i, j], :]), F.T) # S[i, i] = tmp_arr[0, 0] # S[i, j] = tmp_arr[0, 1] # S[j, i] = tmp_arr[1, 0] # S[j, j] = tmp_arr[1, 1] U[:, [i, j]] = left_matrix_division(U[:, [i, j]], E) V[:, [i, j]] = left_matrix_division(V[:, [i, j]], F) U = np.around(U) V = np.around(V) return U, S, V # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def vrrotvec2mat(ax_ang): """ Create a Rotation Matrix from Axis-Angle vector: Parameters ---------- ``ax_ang``: numpy 5xn array The 3D rotation axis and angle (ax_ang) \v 5 entries: \v First 3: axis \v 4: angle \v 5: 1 for proper and -1 for improper \v Returns ------- mtx: nx3x3 numpy array 3x3 rotation matrices See Also -------- mat2quat, axang2quat, vrrotmat2vec """ #file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #path_dir2 = file_dir + '/../geometry/' #sys.path.append(path_dir2) import quaternion as quat if ax_ang.ndim == 1: if np.size(ax_ang) == 5: ax_ang = np.reshape(ax_ang, (5, 1)) msz = 1 elif np.size(ax_ang) == 4: ax_ang = np.reshape(np.hstack((ax_ang, np.array([1]))), (5, 1)) msz = 1 else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') elif ax_ang.ndim == 2: if np.shape(ax_ang)[0] == 5: msz = np.shape(ax_ang)[1] elif np.shape(ax_ang)[1] == 5: ax_ang = ax_ang.transpose() msz = np.shape(ax_ang)[1] else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') direction = ax_ang[0:3, :] angle = ax_ang[3, :] d = np.array(direction, dtype=np.float64) d /= np.linalg.norm(d, axis=0) x = d[0, :] y = d[1, :] z = d[2, :] c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) tc = 1 - c mt11 = tc*x*x + c mt12 = tc*x*y - s*z mt13 = tc*x*z + s*y mt21 = tc*x*y + s*z mt22 = tc*y*y + c mt23 = tc*y*z - s*x mt31 = tc*x*z - s*y mt32 = tc*y*z + s*x mt33 = tc*z*z + c mtx = np.column_stack((mt11, mt12, mt13, mt21, mt22, mt23, mt31, mt32, mt33)) inds1 = np.where(ax_ang[4, :] == -1) mtx[inds1, :] = -mtx[inds1, :] if msz == 1: mtx = mtx.reshape(3, 3) else: mtx = mtx.reshape(msz, 3, 3) return mtx # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def vrrotmat2vec(mat1, rot_type='proper'): """ Create an axis-angle np.array from Rotation Matrix: Parameters ---------- mat1: nx3x3 numpy array The nx3x3 rotation matrices to convert rot_type: string ('proper' or 'improper') ``improper`` if there is a possibility of having improper matrices in the input, ``proper`` otherwise. \v Default: ``proper`` Returns ------- ``ax_ang``: numpy 5xn array The 3D rotation axis and angle (ax_ang) \v 5 entries: \v First 3: axis \v 4: angle \v 5: 1 for proper and -1 for improper \v See Also -------- mat2quat, axang2quat, vrrotvec2mat """ mat = np.copy(mat1) if mat.ndim == 2: if np.shape(mat) == (3, 3): mat = np.copy(np.reshape(mat, (1, 3, 3))) else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') elif mat.ndim == 3: if np.shape(mat)[1:] != (3, 3): raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') msz = np.shape(mat)[0] ax_ang = np.zeros((5, msz)) epsilon = 1e-12 if rot_type == 'proper': ax_ang[4, :] = np.ones(np.shape(ax_ang[4, :])) elif rot_type == 'improper': for i in range(msz): det1 = np.linalg.det(mat[i, :, :]) if abs(det1 - 1) < epsilon: ax_ang[4, i] = 1 elif abs(det1 + 1) < epsilon: ax_ang[4, i] = -1 mat[i, :, :] = -mat[i, :, :] else: raise Exception('Matrix is not a rotation: |det| != 1') else: raise Exception('Wrong Input parameter for rot_type') mtrc = mat[:, 0, 0] + mat[:, 1, 1] + mat[:, 2, 2] ind1 = np.where(abs(mtrc - 3) <= epsilon)[0] ind1_sz = np.size(ind1) if np.size(ind1) > 0: ax_ang[:4, ind1] = np.tile(np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]), (ind1_sz, 1)).transpose() ind2 = np.where(abs(mtrc + 1) <= epsilon)[0] ind2_sz = np.size(ind2) if ind2_sz > 0: # phi = pi # This singularity requires elaborate sign ambiguity resolution # Compute axis of rotation, make sure all elements >= 0 # real signs are obtained by flipping algorithm below diag_elems = np.concatenate((mat[ind2, 0, 0].reshape(ind2_sz, 1), mat[ind2, 1, 1].reshape(ind2_sz, 1), mat[ind2, 2, 2].reshape(ind2_sz, 1)), axis=1) axis = np.sqrt(np.maximum((diag_elems + 1)/2, np.zeros((ind2_sz, 3)))) # axis elements that are <= epsilon are set to zero axis = axis*((axis > epsilon).astype(int)) # Flipping # # The algorithm uses the elements above diagonal to determine the signs # of rotation axis coordinate in the singular case Phi = pi. # All valid combinations of 0, positive and negative values lead to # 3 different cases: # If (Sum(signs)) >= 0 ... leave all coordinates positive # If (Sum(signs)) == -1 and all values are non-zero # ... flip the coordinate that is missing in the term that has + sign, # e.g. if 2AyAz is positive, flip x # If (Sum(signs)) == -1 and 2 values are zero # ... flip the coord next to the one with non-zero value # ... ambiguous, we have chosen shift right # construct vector [M23 M13 M12] ~ [2AyAz 2AxAz 2AxAy] # (in the order to facilitate flipping): ^ # [no_x no_y no_z ] m_upper = np.concatenate((mat[ind2, 1, 2].reshape(ind2_sz, 1), mat[ind2, 0, 2].reshape(ind2_sz, 1), mat[ind2, 0, 1].reshape(ind2_sz, 1)), axis=1) # elements with || smaller than epsilon are considered to be zero signs = np.sign(m_upper)*((abs(m_upper) > epsilon).astype(int)) sum_signs = np.sum(signs, axis=1) t1 = np.zeros(ind2_sz,) tind1 = np.where(sum_signs >= 0)[0] t1[tind1] = np.ones(np.shape(tind1)) tind2 = np.where(np.all(np.vstack(((np.any(signs == 0, axis=1) == False), t1 == 0)), axis=0))[0] t1[tind2] = 2*np.ones(np.shape(tind2)) tind3 = np.where(t1 == 0)[0] flip = np.zeros((ind2_sz, 3)) flip[tind1, :] = np.ones((np.shape(tind1)[0], 3)) flip[tind2, :] = np.copy(-signs[tind2, :]) t2 = np.copy(signs[tind3, :]) shifted = np.column_stack((t2[:, 2], t2[:, 0], t2[:, 1])) flip[tind3, :] = np.copy(shifted + (shifted == 0).astype(int)) axis = axis*flip ax_ang[:4, ind2] = np.vstack((axis.transpose(), np.pi*(np.ones((1, ind2_sz))))) ind3 = np.where(np.all(np.vstack((abs(mtrc + 1) > epsilon, abs(mtrc - 3) > epsilon)), axis=0))[0] ind3_sz = np.size(ind3) if ind3_sz > 0: phi = np.arccos((mtrc[ind3]-1)/2) den = 2*np.sin(phi) a1 = (mat[ind3, 2, 1]-mat[ind3, 1, 2])/den a2 = (mat[ind3, 0, 2]-mat[ind3, 2, 0])/den a3 = (mat[ind3, 1, 0]-mat[ind3, 0, 1])/den axis = np.column_stack((a1, a2, a3)) ax_ang[:4, ind3] = np.vstack((axis.transpose(), phi.transpose())) return ax_ang # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def quat2mat(q): """ Convert Quaternion Arrays to Rotation Matrix Parameters ---------- q: numpy array (5 x 1) quaternion Returns ---------- g: numpy array (3 x 3) rotation matrix See Also -------- mat2quat, axang2quat """ sz = quat.get_size(q) q0 = quat.getq0(q) q1 = quat.getq1(q) q2 = quat.getq2(q) q3 = quat.getq3(q) qt = quat.get_type(q) g = np.zeros((sz, 3, 3)) g[:, 0, 0] = np.square(q0) + np.square(q1) - np.square(q2) - np.square(q3) g[:, 0, 1] = 2*(q1*q2 - q0*q3) g[:, 0, 2] = 2*(q3*q1 + q0*q2) g[:, 1, 0] = 2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3) g[:, 1, 1] = np.square(q0) - np.square(q1) + np.square(q2) - np.square(q3) g[:, 1, 2] = 2*(q2*q3 - q0*q1) g[:, 2, 0] = 2*(q3*q1 - q0*q2) g[:, 2, 1] = 2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1) g[:, 2, 2] = np.square(q0) - np.square(q1) - np.square(q2) + np.square(q3) if sz == 1: g = g.reshape((3, 3)) if qt == -1: g = -g else: inds1 = np.where(qt == -1) g[inds1, :, :] = -g[inds1, :, :] return g # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def mat2quat(mat, rot_type='proper'): """ Convert Rotation Matrices to Quaternions Parameters ---------- mat: numpy array or a list of (3 x 3) rotation matrix rot_type: string ('proper' or 'improper') ``improper`` if there is a possibility of having improper matrices in the input, ``proper`` otherwise. \v Default: ``proper`` Returns ---------- quaternion_rep: numpy array (5 x 1) See Also -------- quat2mat, axang2quat """ ax_ang = vrrotmat2vec(mat, rot_type) q0 = np.cos(ax_ang[3, :]/2) q1 = ax_ang[0, :]*np.sin(ax_ang[3, :]/2) q2 = ax_ang[1, :]*np.sin(ax_ang[3, :]/2) q3 = ax_ang[2, :]*np.sin(ax_ang[3, :]/2) qtype = ax_ang[4, :] return quat.quaternion(q0, q1, q2, q3, qtype) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def axang2quat(ax_ang): """ Create a quaternion corresponding to the rotation specified by an axis and an angle Parameters ---------- ax_ang: numpy array or a list of (4 x 1) Returns ---------- quaternion_rep: numpy array (5 x 1) """ if ax_ang.ndim == 1: if np.size(ax_ang) == 5: ax_ang = np.reshape(ax_ang, (5, 1)) msz = 1 else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') elif ax_ang.ndim == 2: if np.shape(ax_ang)[0] == 5: msz = np.shape(ax_ang)[1] elif np.shape(ax_ang)[1] == 5: ax_ang = ax_ang.transpose() msz = np.shape(ax_ang)[1] else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') else: raise Exception('Wrong Input Type') direction = ax_ang[0:3, :] angle = ax_ang[3, :] d = np.array(direction, dtype=np.float64) d /= np.linalg.norm(d, axis=0) x = d[0, :] y = d[1, :] z = d[2, :] q0 = np.cos(angle/2) s = np.sin(angle/2) q1 = x*s q2 = y*s q3 = z*s qtype = ax_ang[4, :] return quat.quaternion(q0, q1, q2, q3, qtype) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mats = np.zeros((20, 3, 3)) # ct1 = 0 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 1, 0, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 1, 1, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([-2, 1, 1, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, 2, 3, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([-1, 2, 3, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, -2, 3, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, 2, -3, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 2, -3, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0.34, 0.68, -0.94, -np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 1, 0, np.pi])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 1, 1, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([-2, 1, 1, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, 2, 3, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([-1, 2, 3, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, -2, 3, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, 2, -3, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 2, -3, np.pi/2])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) # ct1 += 1 # mats[ct1, :, :] = vrrotvec2mat(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0])) # ct1 += 1 # # # axang = vrrotmat2vec(mats) # # Mats = vrrotvec2mat(axang) # # for i in range(np.shape(Mats)[0]): # print vrrotmat2vec([i, :, :],(mats[i, :, :].transpose()))) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def unique_rows_tol(data, tol=1e-12, return_index=False, return_inverse=False): """ This function returns the unique rows of the input matrix within that are within the specified tolerance. Parameters ---------- data: numpy array (m x n) tol: double tolerance of comparison for each rows Default: 1e-12 return_index: Boolean flag to return the index of unique rows based on the indices of the output return_inverse: Boolean flag to return the index of unique rows based on the indices of the input Returns ---------- unique_rows: numpy array (m' x n) ia: numpy array, integer (m' x 1) unique rows based on the indices of the output ic: numpy array, integer (m x 1) unique rows based on the indices of the input See Also -------- unique """ prec = -np.fix(np.log10(tol)) d_r = np.fix(data * 10 ** prec) / 10 ** prec + 0.0 b = np.ascontiguousarray(d_r).view(np.dtype((np.void, d_r.dtype.itemsize * d_r.shape[1]))) _, ia = np.unique(b, return_index=True) _, ic = np.unique(b, return_inverse=True) if not return_index and not return_inverse: return np.unique(b).view(d_r.dtype).reshape(-1, d_r.shape[1]) else: if return_index and return_inverse: return np.unique(b).view(d_r.dtype).reshape(-1, d_r.shape[1]), ia, ic elif return_index: return np.unique(b).view(d_r.dtype).reshape(-1, d_r.shape[1]), ia elif return_inverse: return np.unique(b).view(d_r.dtype).reshape(-1, d_r.shape[1]), ic # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_unique_rows(): prec = 1.e-5 mat = np.array([[-1e-6, 1, 1], [1e-7, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) c, ia, ic = unique_rows_tol(mat, prec, True, True) print unique_rows_tol(mat, prec, True, True) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_lll_reduction(): Mat = np.zeros(5, dtype=[('Mat', '(3,2)float64'),('Matrix', '(3,3)float64')]) Mat['Mat'][0] = np.array(([1, 2, 0], [-4, 5, 6])).T Mat['Mat'][1] = np.array(([-1, 2, 3], [-4, 0, 6])).T Mat['Mat'][2] = np.array(([1, 2, 0], [-4, 5, 6])).T Mat['Mat'][3] = np.array(([1, 2, 3], [-4, 5, 6])).T Mat['Mat'][4] = np.array(([1, 2, 25], [-4, 5, 6])).T Mat['Matrix'][0] = np.array(([1, 2, 0], [-4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 15])) Mat['Matrix'][1] = np.array(([-1, 2, 3], [-4, 0, 6], [3, 0, 0])) Mat['Matrix'][2] = np.array(([1, 2, 0], [-4, 5, 6], [3, 0, -1])) Mat['Matrix'][3] = np.array(([1, 2, 3], [-4, 5, 6], [2, -2, 1])) Mat['Matrix'][4] = np.array(([1, 2, 25], [-4, 5, 6], [3, -2, 0])) for j in Mat.dtype.names: for i in range(Mat.shape[0]): # a, H = lll_reduction_3by2(Mat['Matrix'][i]) b = lll_reduction(Mat[j][i]) # print Mat['Matrix'][i], '\n reduced: \n', H, '\n-------\n' print '\n______________________________________________\n' print Mat[j][i], '\n reduced: \n', b, '\n-------\n' # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------