Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xhdcp1x_tx.h File Reference


#define XHDCP1X_TX_H
 < Prevent circular inclusions by using protection macros More...


void XHdcp1x_TxInit (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function initializes a transmit state machine. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxSetCallback (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, XHdcp1x_HandlerType HandlerType, void *CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
 This function installs callback functions for the given HandlerType: More...
int XHdcp1x_TxPoll (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function polls an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxReset (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function resets an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxEnable (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function enables an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxDisable (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function disables an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsDownstrmCapable (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries the downstream device to check if the downstream device is HDCP capable. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_TxGetEncryption (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function retrieves the current encryption stream map. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxEnableEncryption (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u64 StreamMap)
 This function enables encryption on set of streams on an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxDisableEncryption (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u64 StreamMap)
 This function disables encryption on set of streams on an HDCP interface. More...
void XHdcp1x_TxSetHdmiMode (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u8 Value)
 This set a flag that allows the hdcp1x drivers to determine if the transmitter is HDMI or DVI. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxSetPhysicalState (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, int IsUp)
 This function updates the physical state of an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxSetLaneCount (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, int LaneCount)
 This function set the lane count of an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxAuthenticate (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function initiates authentication on an interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxReadDownstream (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function initiates the transmitter to read READY bit from downstream and complete second part of authentication. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsInProgress (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries an interface to check if authentication is still in progress. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsAuthenticated (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries an interface to check if its been authenticated. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsInComputations (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries an interface to check if its in the computations state. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsInWaitforready (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries an interface to check if its in the wait-for-ready state. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsEnabled (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries an interface to check if it is enabled. More...
void XHdcp1x_TxHandleTimeout (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function handles a timeout on an HDCP interface. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxInfo (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function implements the debug display output for transmit instances. More...
void XHdcp1x_TxTriggerDownstreamAuth (void *Parameter)
 This function acts as the downstream authentication trigger callback for a Repeater state machine, to start the second part of authentication. More...
void XHdcp1x_TxEnableBlank (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function enables the blank output for the cipher. More...
void XHdcp1x_TxDisableBlank (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function disables the blank output for the cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_TxIsRepeater (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns if HDCP TX interface is connected to a downstream repeater. More...
XHdcp1x_RepeaterExchangeXHdcp1x_TxGetTopology (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns a pointer to the downstream Topology structure. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyMaxDevsExceeded (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the MAX_DEVICS_EXCEEDED flag in the repeater topology structure. More...
u8 * XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyBKSV (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the value of BKSV of the device connected to the repeater downstream interface. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyMaxCascadeExceeded (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the MAX_DEPTH_EXCEEDED flag in the repeater topology structure. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyDeviceCnt (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the value of Device Count read in the downstream interface of the repeater topology. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyDepth (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the value of Depth read in the downstream interface of the repeater topology. More...
u8 * XHdcp1x_TxGetTopologyKSVList (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the value of KSV List read in the downstream interface of the repeater topology. More...