Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xhdcp1x_cipher.h File Reference


 < Prevent circular inclusions by using protection macros More...
 Bit in the cipher Bz register to indicate Repeater. More...


Handler Types
enum  XHdcp1x_CipherHandlerType
 These constants specify different types of handler and used to differentiate interrupt requests from peripheral. More...
Request Types
enum  XHdcp1x_CipherRequestType
 These constants specify different types of authentication requests that can be initiated within a peripheral. More...


void XHdcp1x_CipherInit (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function initializes an HDCP cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetCallback (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 HandlerType, XHdcp1x_Callback CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
 This function installs an asynchronous callback function for the given HandlerType: More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetLinkStateCheck (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, int IsEnabled)
 This function enables/disables the reporting of link check state changes. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherIsLinkUp (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries the link state of a cipher device. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetRiUpdate (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, int IsEnabled)
 This function enables/disables the reporting of Ri update notifications. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherEnable (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function enables a HDCP cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherDisable (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function disables a HDCP cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetKeySelect (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u8 KeySelect)
 This function configures the key selection value. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherDoRequest (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, XHdcp1x_CipherRequestType Request)
 This function initiates a request within the HDCP cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherIsRequestComplete (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function queries the progress of the current request. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_CipherGetNumLanes (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function retrieves the current number of lanes of the HDCP cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetNumLanes (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 NumLanes)
 This function configures the number of lanes of the HDCP cipher. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_CipherGetEncryption (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function retrieves the current encryption stream map. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherEnableEncryption (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u64 StreamMap)
 This function enables encryption on a set of streams. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherDisableEncryption (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u64 StreamMap)
 This function disables encryption on a set of streams. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_CipherGetLocalKsv (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the local KSV value from the cipher. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_CipherGetRemoteKsv (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the remote KSV value from the cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetRemoteKsv (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u64 Ksv)
 This function writes the remote KSV value to the cipher. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherGetB (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 *X, u32 *Y, u32 *Z)
 This function reads the contents of the B register in BM0. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetB (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 X, u32 Y, u32 Z)
 This function writes the contents of the B register in BM0. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherGetK (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 *X, u32 *Y, u32 *Z)
 This function reads the contents of the K register in BM0. More...
int XHdcp1x_CipherSetK (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr, u32 X, u32 Y, u32 Z)
 This function writes the contents of the K register in BM0. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_CipherGetMi (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the contents of the Mi/An register of BM0. More...
u16 XHdcp1x_CipherGetRi (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the contents of the Ri register of BM0. More...
u64 XHdcp1x_CipherGetMo (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the contents of the Mo register of the device. More...
u16 XHdcp1x_CipherGetRo (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the contents of the Ro register of the device. More...
u32 XHdcp1x_CipherGetVersion (const XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the version of the HDCP cipher core. More...
void XHdcp1x_CipherHandleInterrupt (void *InstancePtr)
 This function is the interrupt handler for the cipher core driver. More...
void XHdcp1x_CipherEnableBlank (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function sets the cipher blank value to 0x0000FF (blue), and sets the cipher blank select to TRUE. More...
void XHdcp1x_CipherDisableBlank (XHdcp1x *InstancePtr)
 This function sets the cipher blank select to FALSE. More...