Vitis Drivers API Documentation

You can refer to the below stated example applications for more details which gives an idea about dprxss.


This self test example will call self test functions of each DisplayPort RX Subsystem's sub-cores to verify that the sub-cores are programmed.

For details, see xdprxss_selftest_example.c.


This multi-stream transport (MST) example shows how to configure driver for MST/SST based upon system configuration parameters. For this example, interrupt controller and timer controller must be present.

For details, see xdprxss_mst_example.c.


This interrupt example shows how to set up the interrupt system and specify the interrupt handlers for when a DisplayPort RX Subsystem interrupt event occurs. An interrupt controller with a connection to the DisplayPort RX Subsystem interrupt signal needs to exist in the hardware system.

For details, see xdprxss_intr_example.c.


The debug example setup MST/SST mode based on system configuration parameters and prints debug information at the end.

For details, see xdprxss_debug_example.c.


The HDCP example setup SST mode and enables the HDCP after RX has started.

For details, see xdprxss_hdcp_example.c.


  • Additionally, in order to be able to use the interrupt, MST/SST, and debug examples, the user will need to implement following functions: 1) DpRxSs_PlatformInit : This function needs to do all hardware system initialization. 2) DpRxSs_VideoPhyInit : These function need to configure the Video Phy using video phy driver functions. For information, refer video phy driver documentation. 3) DpRxSs_Setup : These function need to configure the DisplayPort RX Subsystem using DPRX Subsystem driver functions. For information, refer DPRXSS driver documentation.
All example functions start with DpRxSs_*, while all DisplayPort RX Subsystem driver functions start with XDpRxSs_*.