Setting Up Maven

Add the following to the <project> block of your pom.xml to add the SpongeAPI dependency:



Using the Plugin Archetype

Alternatively, Sponge has a simple archetype that generates the basic structure for a plugin.

The generated pom includes a release profile that generates gpg-signed jars for javadocs, binary, and sources as recommended in the guidelines for submitting projects to Sonatype OSS (However, this option is not currently available for Sponge plugins due to the fact that SpongeAPI is not currently hosted on Maven Central).


The archetype plugin accepts a few properties:

Property Example value Description
groupId io.github.user The maven groupId, useful more for plugins used as dependencies, but should more or less match your package name
artifactId myproject The project id, also used as plugin id and name of the generated folder
version 1.0-SNAPSHOT The initial version for your plugin. Can (and should) be changed as development progresses. See Version Numbers for details.
package io.github.user.myproject The package your plugin class will be generated in
githubProject user/repo The GitHub project. If a value is specified that is not user/repo, issue tracking and SCM sections are added to the pom

These can be specified as arguments to Maven in the form -Dproperty=value


This archetype requires Maven 3 or newer. Invoke maven with the goal archetype:generate. Maven will prompt for any required properties, but optional properties must be specified on the command line.

$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=sponge-plugin-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=org.spongepowered -DarchetypeRepository= -DarchetypeVersion=1.2 -DgithubProject=waylon531/spongeparty

The first four arguments specify where maven will find the archetype and which version to use. The -DgithubProject=waylon531/spongeparty parameter is an optional property for the generated project and can be left out if you do not intend to host your plugin on GitHub.

After your project has been generated, you need to import it in your IDE. See Setting Up Your Workspace for details.