Using the Economy API

The Economy API unifies all economy plugins under one API. This means any plugin using the Economy API will be compatible with all economy plugins that implement said API. This page guides you through the steps of using the Economy API in your own plugin.

Loading the EconomyService

In order to utilize the Economy API, you must first load the EconomyService class:

  1. Listen to the ChangeServiceProviderEvent in order to grab an instance of the EconomyService when it is registered.
  2. When the event is fired, check if the service added was the EconomyService. If this is true, you’ll assign it to a variable for later access to the Economy API.


Please note that you need to pay attention to different game states while the server is starting, stopping or running when using services like the Economy API. Take a look at the Services page for further information.

Example: Loading the EconomyService

import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.service.ChangeServiceProviderEvent;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService;

private EconomyService economyService;

public void onChangeServiceProvider(ChangeServiceProviderEvent event) {
        if (event.getService().equals(EconomyService.class)) {
                economyService = (EconomyService) event.getNewProviderRegistration().getProvider();

Using the EconomyService

After loading the EconomyService and assigning it to a variable, you are ready to access all of the features the Economy API has to offer.

Example: Getting a player’s balance

import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.account.UniqueAccount;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Optional;

Optional<UniqueAccount> uOpt = economyService.getOrCreateAccount(player.getUniqueId());
if (uOpt.isPresent()) {
    UniqueAccount acc = uOpt.get();
    BigDecimal balance = acc.getBalance(economyService.getDefaultCurrency());

Some Account methods require variables such as:

  • Currency: The currency involved in the exchange
  • Cause: What caused the change to the account
  • Context: The context that the change occurred in

These are for more advanced uses, but still must be filled in. Below is a list of acceptable default values: