Book ViewsΒΆ

A BookView is the representation of the Book GUI on the client. The BookView is not associated with an actual ItemStack and is only for displaying Text through a book to the player. Note that a BookView is read-only, due to it being impossible to tell the client to open an unsigned book.

To create a BookView, we simply need to obtain a BookView.Builder, which is provided through the BookView#builder() method. Using the builder, we can specify the title, the author, and the pages of the BookView. Then to use the view, we have to send it to a Viewer. An example of this is shown below:

import org.spongepowered.api.effect.Viewer;
import org.spongepowered.api.text.BookView;
import org.spongepowered.api.text.Text;

BookView bookView = BookView.builder()
        .title(Text.of("Story Mode"))
        .addPage(Text.of("There once was a Steve..."))

This will display a book to the client with a single page that contains the text specified in the BookView.Builder#addPage(Text) method. Of course, you don’t have to call addPage(Text) for every page you wish to add. The BookView.Builder class provides a BookView.Builder#addPages(Collection<Text>) method that accepts multiple Texts.

The BookView.Builder class also provides the BookView.Builder#insertPage(int, Text) and the corresponding BookView.Builder#insertPages(int, Collection<Text>) methods for inserting a page or several pages at any given index.

You may also remove pages of a BookView by providing either the Text from the page or by specifying the index of the page that you wish to remove. You simply need to use the corresponding BookView.Builder#removePage(Text), BookView.Builder#removePage(int), or BookView.Builder#removePages(Collection<Text>) methods.