Passengers Denied Confirmed Space

In [1]:

options(jupyter.plot_mimetypes = "image/png")
options(repr.plot.width = 16/2, repr.plot.height = 9/2)
data.table + dplyr code now lives in dtplyr.
Please library(dtplyr)!

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:data.table’:

    between, first, last

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Getting the Data


The Data Set

Column 1: Number of passengers who were denied boarding involuntarily who qualified for denied boarding compensation and:

  • Column 1(a): were given alternate transportation within the meaning of section 250.5
  • Column 1(b): were not given such alternate transportation

Column 2: Number of passengers denied boarding involuntarily who did not qualify for denied boarding compensation

Column 3: Total number denied boarding involuntarily

Column 4: Number of passengers denied boarding involuntarily who actually received compensation

Column 5: Number of passengers who volunteered to give up reserved space in exchange for a payment of the carrier's choosing

Column 6: Number of Passengers accommodated in another section of the aircraft

Column 7: Total Boardings

Column 8: Amount of Compensation paid to passenger who:

  • Column 8(a): were denied boarding involuntarily and were given alternate transportation within the meaning of section 250.5
  • Column 8(b): were denied boarding involuntarily and were not given alternate transportation
  • Column 8(c): volunteered for denied boarding
In [2]:
base_url <- ""
datasets <- c("2014_1q", "2014_2q", "2014_3q", "2014_4q",
              "2015_1q", "2015_2q", "2015_3q", "2015_4q",
              "2016_1q", "2016_4q_0")

# The data for 2016-Q2 and 2016-Q3 aren't available in CSV format, 
# and somehow the file for 4q is suffixed with '_0'. 
data <-, lapply(
  function(q) {
    raw <- fread(paste(base_url, q, ".csv", sep=""), header=FALSE)
    raw <- raw[, 1:15]

    print(paste("Processing:", raw[2, 1]))
    header <- as.character(raw[raw$V1 == "CARRIER", ])
    raw <- raw[(raw$V2 != "") & (raw$V1 != "CARRIER"), ]  # Exclude metatdata/header rows 
    colnames(raw) <- header

    data_by_quarter <- cbind(
      raw[, 1],  # Carrier name
      sapply(raw[, -1], function(col) { as.numeric(gsub("[,|$]", "", col)) } ),  # Remove , and $ and convert to numeric
      quarter = paste(substring(q, 1, 4), paste("Q", substring(q, 6, 6), sep=""))  # Specify quarter

[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 3/31/2014"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 6/30/2014"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 9/30/2014"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 12/31/2014"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 3/31/2015"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 6/30/2015"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 9/30/2015"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 12/31/2015"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 3/31/2016"
[1] "Processing: Quarter Ended 12/31/2016"
In [3]:
AirTran Airways 0 834 0 0 7 841 834 10336 0 0 4525112 487449 0 0 2014 Q1
Alaska Airlines 0 124 0 15 51 190 124 1155 11 21 4203186 0 131215 0 2014 Q1
American Airlines126 678 0 182 39 1025 986 12822 1078 223 18267561 49157 638099 0 2014 Q1
American Eagle 35 227 0 264 17 543 526 5320 73 10 3971731 8304 191631 0 2014 Q1
Delta Air Lines 76 847 197 18 139 1277 923 22445 27969 11651 24130377 41526 987176 0 2014 Q1
ExpressJet 30 1616 63 22 32 1763 1610 13100 3999 2343 7107265 29071 1070441 32225 2014 Q1
In [4]:
# Remove airlines that aren't in all datasets
print("Before: ")

data <- data %>%
  group_by(CARRIER) %>%
  filter(n() == length(datasets)) %>%

print("After: ")
[1] "Before: "
  1. 'AirTran Airways'
  2. 'Alaska Airlines'
  3. 'American Airlines'
  4. 'American Eagle'
  5. 'Delta Air Lines'
  6. 'ExpressJet'
  7. 'Frontier Airlines'
  8. 'Hawaiian Airlines'
  9. 'JetBlue Airways'
  10. 'SkyWest Airlines'
  11. 'Southwest Airlines'
  12. 'United Air Lines'
  13. 'US Airways'
  14. 'Virgin America'
  15. 'Envoy Airlines'
  16. 'Spirit Airlines'
[1] "After: "
  1. 'Alaska Airlines'
  2. 'American Airlines'
  3. 'Delta Air Lines'
  4. 'ExpressJet'
  5. 'Frontier Airlines'
  6. 'Hawaiian Airlines'
  7. 'JetBlue Airways'
  8. 'SkyWest Airlines'
  9. 'Southwest Airlines'
  10. 'United Air Lines'
  11. 'Virgin America'
In [5]:
# Stats
reaccommodated <- data %>%
  bind_rows(data %>%
    group_by(CARRIER) %>%
    select(-quarter) %>%
    summarise_each(funs(sum)) %>%
    mutate(quarter = "overall")
  ) %>%
    CARRIER = factor(CARRIER),
    quarter = factor(quarter),
    voluntary = `5`,
    involuntary = `3`,
    reaccommodated = `3` + `5`,
    boarded = `7`,
    rate = reaccommodated / boarded * 10000,
    rate_voluntary = voluntary / boarded * 10000,
    rate_involuntary = involuntary / boarded * 10000,
    avg_comp = (`8(a)` + `8(b)` + `8(c)`) / reaccommodated

# Rank by 2016 Q4 stats
rank_2016q4 <- reaccommodated %>%
  filter(quarter == '2016 Q4') %>%
  mutate(rank = min_rank(-rate)) %>%
reaccommodated$CARRIER <- factor(reaccommodated$CARRIER, levels = reaccommodated$CARRIER[order(-rank_2016q4)])

How often are passengers denied boarding?

In [6]:
ggplot(reaccommodated %>% filter(quarter == '2016 Q4'), aes(x = CARRIER, y = rate)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5, fill = "#f1ad46") +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Denied Boardings per 10,000 passengers (Q4 2016)")
In [7]:
ggplot(reaccommodated %>% filter(quarter == '2016 Q4'), aes(size = reaccommodated, y = boarded / 10000, x = rate, label = CARRIER)) +
  geom_point(fill = "#f1ad46", alpha = .6, colour = "white", shape = 21, stroke = 2) +
  geom_point(color = "black", size = .3) +
  geom_text(aes(y = boarded / 10000 + 250), size = 2.8, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1) +
  scale_size_continuous(range=c(1,15)) +
  labs(x = "Denied Boarding Rate (per 10,000 passengers)",
       y = "Boardings (10,000 passengers)",
       size = "Passengers denied boarding (passengers)",
       title = "Number of passengers denied boarding (Q4 2016)") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
In [8]:
reaccommodated %>% filter(quarter == '2016 Q4') %>% arrange(reaccommodated)
Hawaiian Airlines 19 0 0 0 0 19 0 126 0 ⋯ 12185 2016 Q4 126 19 145 2669657 0.5431409 0.4719707 0.07117019 159.179310
Frontier Airlines 2 110 0 36 15 163 59 450 0 ⋯ 1892 2016 Q4 450 163 613 3771280 1.6254428 1.1932288 0.43221400 80.686786
Virgin America 15 0 1 0 1 17 16 611 29 ⋯ 271828 2016 Q4 611 17 628 2017391 3.1129315 3.0286643 0.08426725 457.049363
JetBlue Airways 0 8 0 1028 0 1036 8 439 0 ⋯ 197966 2016 Q4 439 1036 1475 8719175 1.6916738 0.5034880 1.18818581 141.637966
Alaska Airlines 0 102 0 16 79 197 102 1600 37 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 1600 197 1797 5665703 3.1717158 2.8240097 0.34770619 112.454090
ExpressJet 34 554 12 36 5 641 622 8615 3313 ⋯ 1350 2016 Q4 8615 641 9256 5019172 18.4412887 17.1641856 1.27710308 50.611387
SkyWest Airlines 43 540 37 126 12 758 709 10680 5513 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 10680 758 11438 7411535 15.4327005 14.4099704 1.02273011 32.455150
American Airlines 111 854 0 727 22 1714 1692 11806 299 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 11806 1714 13520 31546560 4.2857288 3.7424049 0.54332390 83.192308
United Air Lines 22 545 19 296 9 891 866 15696 5463 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 15696 891 16587 22398395 7.4054413 7.0076450 0.39779636 29.905348
Southwest Airlines1511 462 0 0 1099 3072 1973 19116 0 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 19116 3072 22188 38502306 5.7627717 4.9648974 0.79787429 76.972508
Delta Air Lines 15 255 2 44 10 326 270 36471 16451 ⋯ 0 2016 Q4 36471 326 36797 32044038 11.4832594 11.3815244 0.10173499 8.301764

The rankings haven't changed much over time.

In [9]:
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 6)

reaccommodated %>%
  filter(quarter != "overall") %>%
    year = substring(quarter, 1, 4),
    q = substring(quarter, 6, 7)
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CARRIER, y = rate)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5, fill = "#f1ad46") +
    facet_grid(year ~ q) +
    coord_flip() +
    labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Denied Boardings per 10,000 passengers (2014-2016)")

options(repr.plot.width = 16/2, repr.plot.height = 9/2)

Voluntary vs. Involuntary Denied Boardings

In [10]:
reaccommodated %>%
  filter(quarter == "overall") %>%
  select(CARRIER, voluntary = rate_voluntary, involuntary = rate_involuntary) %>%
  gather("type", "rate", 2:3) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CARRIER, y = rate, fill = factor(type, levels=c("involuntary", "voluntary")))) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("#f1ad46", "#48B6A3"), labels = c("Involuntary   ", "Voluntary")) +
    labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Denied Boardings per 10,000 passengers (2014-2016)", fill = "") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")
In [11]:
reaccommodated %>%
  filter(quarter == "overall") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(CARRIER, levels=CARRIER[order(rate_involuntary)]), y = rate_involuntary)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5, fill = "#f1ad46") +
    coord_flip() +
    labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Involuntary Denied Boardings per 10,000 passengers (2014-2016)")

Compensation paid to passengers denied boarding

In [12]:
reaccommodated %>%
  filter(quarter == "overall") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(CARRIER, levels = CARRIER[order(avg_comp)]), y = avg_comp)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5, fill = "#f1ad46") +
    coord_flip() +
    labs(x = "", y = "USD", title = "Average compensation paid to passengers denied boarding (2014-2016)") +
    theme(text = element_text(family = "Helvetica", size = 12))
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