Simulation-Based Inference

R Pruim

JMM 2016

Simulation-Based Inference with mosaic

You can do() it!

Basic ideas

Traditional Approach

\[ t = \frac{ \overline{x} - \mu}{s / \sqrt{n}} \]

SBI Approach

The Lady Tasting Tea

Computer Simulation

Use rflip() to simulate flipping coins

## Flipping 1 coin [ Prob(Heads) = 0.5 ] ...
## H
## Number of Heads: 1 [Proportion Heads: 1]

Computer Simulation

Faster if we flip multiple coins at once:

## Flipping 10 coins [ Prob(Heads) = 0.5 ] ...
## H H H T T T H H H T
## Number of Heads: 6 [Proportion Heads: 0.6]

Let's do that a lot of times

rflip(10) simulates 1 lady tasting 10 cups 1 time.

We can do that many times to see how guessing ladies do:

do(2) * rflip(10)
##    n heads tails prop
## 1 10     6     4  0.6
## 2 10     5     5  0.5

The distribution of guessing ladies

Ladies <- do(5000) * rflip(10)
head(Ladies, 1)
##    n heads tails prop
## 1 10     4     6  0.4
histogram( ~ heads, data = Ladies, width = 1 )

How often does guessing score 9 or 10?

tally( ~(heads >= 9) , data = Ladies)
##    52  4948

How often does guessing score 9 or 10?

tally( ~(heads >= 9) , data = Ladies, 
                       format = "prop")
## 0.0104 0.9896

How often does guessing score 9 or 10?

tally( ~(heads >= 9) , data = Ladies, 
                       format = "prop")
## 0.0104 0.9896
 prop( ~(heads >= 9), data = Ladies)
##   TRUE 
## 0.0104

A general approach to randomization

Three Step Program

  1. Do it for your data
  2. Do it for random data
  3. Do it lots of times for random data

definition of it is usually natural

definition of random is important ... but can often be handled by

Example: Is there a difference in means?

Data: HELPrct

Question: Do the mean ages of men and women differ?

Example: Do mean ages differ by sex?

diffmean(age ~ sex, data = HELPrct)
##   diffmean 
## -0.7841284
bwplot( sex ~ age, data = HELPrct)

Example: Do mean ages differ by sex?

do(1) * 
  diffmean(age ~ shuffle(sex), data = HELPrct)
##    diffmean
## 1 0.1090973
Null <- do(5000) * 
  diffmean(age ~ shuffle(sex), data = HELPrct)

Example: Do mean ages differ by sex?

2 * prop( ~ (diffmean <= -0.7841), data = Null)
##   TRUE 
## 0.3588
histogram( ~ diffmean, data = Null, v = -.7841) 

A Little Wrinkle

We should include the observed test statistic in the Null Distribution.

prop()` computes proportions after adding 1 to numerator and denominator.

2 * prop1( ~ (diffmean <= -0.7841), data = Null)
##      TRUE 
## 0.3591282

Example: Bootstrap for difference in means

Bootstrap <- do(5000) * 
  diffmean(age ~ sex, data= resample(HELPrct))

histogram( ~ diffmean, data = Bootstrap, 
                      v = -.7841, glwd = 4 )

Example: CI for difference in mean ages

autosize: true

cdata( ~ diffmean, data = Bootstrap, p = .95)
##        low         hi  central.p 
## -2.4787104  0.8894968  0.9500000
confint(Bootstrap, method = "quantile")
##       name    lower     upper level     method   estimate
## 1 diffmean -2.47871 0.8894968  0.95 percentile -0.7841284

Example: CI for difference in mean ages

autosize: true

confint(Bootstrap)  # default uses st. err
##       name     lower     upper level method   estimate margin.of.error  df
## 1 diffmean -2.433334 0.8937444  0.95 stderr -0.7841284        1.663539 452

Randomization and linear models

do(1) * lm(width ~ length, data = KidsFeet)
##   Intercept    length     sigma r.squared        F numdf dendf
## 1  2.862276 0.2479478 0.3963356 0.4110041 25.81878     1    37
do(3) * lm(width ~ shuffle(length), data = KidsFeet)
##   Intercept     length.     sigma   r.squared         F numdf dendf
## 1 11.639314 -0.10706623 0.4962420 0.076635651 3.0708562     1    37
## 2 11.541875 -0.10312500 0.4977279 0.071097404 2.8319481     1    37
## 3  9.754237 -0.03081856 0.5147824 0.006349662 0.2364388     1    37

Randomization and linear models

do(1) * 
  lm(width ~ length + sex, data = KidsFeet)
##   Intercept   length       sexG     sigma r.squared        F numdf dendf
## 1  3.641168 0.221025 -0.2325175 0.3848905 0.4595428 15.30513     2    36
do(3) * 
  lm( width ~ length + shuffle(sex), 
                       data = KidsFeet)
##   Intercept    length       sex.G     sigma r.squared        F numdf dendf
## 1  2.942851 0.2431545  0.07785347 0.3998086 0.4168355 12.86608     2    36
## 2  3.450856 0.2282462 -0.20833605 0.3878261 0.4512672 14.80285     2    36
## 3  2.842685 0.2484316  0.01565872 0.4017205 0.4112447 12.57297     2    36

Randomization and linear models

Null <- do(5000) * 
  lm(width ~ length + shuffle(sex), data = KidsFeet)
histogram( ~ sex.G, data = Null, 
           v = -0.2325, glwd = 4)

Randomization and linear models

histogram(~ sex.G, data = Null, 
           v = -0.2325, glwd = 4)

prop1(~ (sex.G <= -0.2325), data = Null)
##       TRUE 
## 0.03719256