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There are two parts to creating this layer:

  1. Data prep to get raw data into the correct format:

  2. Creating the pressure layers for OHI Global:

    • Clip all monthly rasters to the coast using a 3 nautical mile offshore buffer
    • Calculate annual mean sea level anomaly rasters from monthly data
    • Determine a reference point as the 99.99th quantile of the data across all years (1993 - 2015)
    • Rescale values from 0 to 1 using the reference point
    • Set to zero all negative values, indicating decreases in mean sea level
    • Resample raster to ~ 1km2 and reproject to Molleweide

This process is completed entirely within this script.


The raw data are monthly mean sea level anomalies, in meters. The anomalies are calculated using a reference period of 1993 - 2012. The anomalies represent a cumulative anomaly rather than an instantaneous anomaly.

Since these data have already been calculated using a reference point, we only need to create annual mean rasters for each year and then rescale from 0 to 1. In order to rescale each layer, the 99.99th quantile of the entire data distribution from 2011-2015 is used, rather than calculating the 99.99th quantile for each year. This way we have a consistent reference point across time that will be forecasted backwards and used in future OHI assessments when creating this layer.

Reference: The altimeter products were produced and distributed by Aviso (http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/), as part of the Ssalto ground processing segment. AVISO MSLA heights, monthly means

Downloaded: March 18, 2016
Description: Monthly mean sea level anomaly (meters above mean sea level)
Native data resolution: 0.25 degree grid cells
Time range: January 1993 - December 2015
Format: NetCDF



knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, fig.path = 'figs/',message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

#setting up provenance
# devtools::install_github('oharac/provRmd')
# library(provRmd)
# prov_setup()

library(sp)        # the classes and methods that make up spatial ops in R

dir_git <- '~/github/ohiprep'


dir_anx <- file.path(dir_M, 'git-annex/globalprep')

dir_anx_aviso <- file.path(dir_M, 'git-annex/globalprep/_raw_data/AVISO_slr/d2016')

### set up proj4string options: WGS84
p4s_wgs84 <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'

### Define spectral color scheme for plotting maps
cols      = rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Spectral'))(255)) # rainbow color scheme

# define mollweide projection

mollCRS <- CRS('+proj=moll')

# Read in ocean raster with cells at 1km. Use this as a template for resampling

ocean = raster(file.path(dir_M,'git-annex/globalprep/spatial/ocean.tif'))

Data Prep

Download files

reload <- FALSE

if(reload) {
  ### Get filenames from AVISO FTP URL:
  url <- "ftp://ftp.aviso.altimetry.fr/global/delayed-time/grids/climatology/monthly_mean/"
  userpwd <- "ucsb_afflerbach:sioped54j"
  filenames <- getURL(url,
                      userpwd = userpwd,
                      ftp.use.epsv = FALSE,
                      dirlistonly = TRUE) %>%
    str_split('\n') %>%
  filenames <- filenames[!str_detect(filenames, '.png')] %>%
  ### Set up loop to download each file and save to git-annex:
  ftp_dir <- 'ftp://ucsb_afflerbach:sioped54j@ftp.aviso.altimetry.fr/global/delayed-time/grids/climatology/monthly_mean'
  for (i in 1:length(filenames)) { # nc_file <- filenames[2]
    nc_file <- filenames[i]
    download.file(url      = file.path(ftp_dir, nc_file),
                  destfile = file.path(dir_anx_aviso, 'msla_monthly_mean', nc_file),
                  mode     = 'wb')
  zipfiles <- list.files(file.path(dir_anx_aviso, 'msla_monthly_mean'),
                         full.names = TRUE)
  zipfiles <- zipfiles[str_detect(zipfiles, '.gz')]
  for (zipfile in zipfiles) { # zipfile <- zipfiles[1]
    message('Unzipping file: ', zipfile)
    R.utils::gunzip(zipfile, remove = TRUE, skip = TRUE)

Clip data to coastal cells

All NetCDF files for each month over the 22 years are rasterized and all non-coastal bordering cells are removed. To do this we use a 3 nautical mile offshore buffer polygon to select all coastal cells. For this to work, the raw data cells need to be disaggregated by a factor of 8 in order for the mask to accurately select cells that fall within the polygons.

#list all netCDF files
nc_files <- list.files(file.path(dir_anx_aviso, 'msla_monthly_mean'),
                       full.names = TRUE,pattern='.nc')

## resampling raw data to smaller cell size, then create a raster of all coastal cells. The resampling needs to be done
## first to ensure we get the small islands that would otherwise be ignored at larger cell seizes

#offshore 3 nm polygon for all regions
three_nm <- readOGR(dsn= file.path(dir_anx,'spatial/d2014/data'),layer = 'regions_offshore3nm_gcs')

    r <- raster(nc_files[1])%>%
            disaggregate(fact = 8)
    #define projection of the raster before reprojecting
    projection(r) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
    r_3nm_mask <- mask(r,three_nm, progress='text')
    writeRaster(r_3nm_mask,filename = file.path(dir_git,'globalprep/prs_slr/v2016/int/rast_3nm_mask.tif'))
s <- raster(file.path(dir_git,'globalprep/prs_slr/v2016/int/rast_3nm_mask.tif'))
plot(ocean, col='cornsilk2', axes=F, box=F, main = 'Coastal cells mask', legend=F)      
plot(s,col='black',axes=F, box=F,legend=F,add=T)

months_coast is a function that applies the coastal cell mask to the raw data and saves the output.

## Function that rotates each monthly file, sets the long/lat projection, and keeps only coastal cells - saved to GitHub
months_coast <- function(x){
  m_yr <- substr(x,108,115)
  #read in month raster
   r <- raster(x)%>%
        disaggregate(fact = 8)
  #define projection of the raster before reprojecting
  projection(r) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
  r_mask <- mask(r,r_3nm_mask,progress='text')



#apply the clipping function to all files

Annual mean sea level anomalies

Annual mean sea level anomaly rasters are derived from the monthly data.

month_files <- list.files(file.path(dir_git,'globalprep/prs_slr/v2016/int/msla_monthly_coast'),full.names=T)

all_yrs <- c(1993:2015)


foreach (j = all_yrs) %dopar% {
  msla_yr <- month_files[str_detect(month_files, as.character(j))]
  message('Generating annual MSLA raster for ', j)
  ### stack all rasters for this year, and calc annual mean, then write as raster
  rast_annual_mean <- stack(msla_yr)%>%
                      writeRaster(filename = paste0(file.path(dir_git),'/globalprep/prs_slr/v2016/int/msla_annual_mean/rast_msla_annual_',j,'.tif'),overwrite=T)


Reference Point

The reference point is the 99.99th quantile of the entire data distribution from 1993 - 2015.

annual_means <- list.files(file.path(dir_git,'globalprep/prs_slr/v2016/int/msla_annual_mean'),pattern = '*.tif',full.names=T)

#get data across all years
vals <- c()

for(i in 1993:2015){
  m <- annual_means[which(substr(annual_means,96,99) == i)]%>%
  vals <- c(vals,m)

I want to compare the reference point if we only use positive values or all data values.

vals <- vals[!is.na(vals)]

ref <- quantile(vals,prob = 0.9999,na.rm=T)

#set negative values to 0 before taking ref point
vals_pos = vals[vals >=0]

ref_pos <- quantile(vals_pos,prob=0.9999,na.rm=T)

Since the reference point is very similar between these two options, I’m going to use the reference point across all values, not only positive.


Each annual raster is recaled from 0 to 1 using the reference point. If a value is greater than the reference point, it is automatically given a value of 1.

resc_slr <- function(file){

  yr <- substr(file, 96,99)
      calc(fun=function(x){ifelse(x<0,0,x)})%>% #set all negative values to 0
      projectRaster(crs = mollCRS,over=T)%>%
      resample(ocean,method = 'ngb', filename = paste0(file.path(dir_anx),'/prs_slr/v2016/output/slr_',yr,'.tif'),overwrite=T)


mclapply(annual_means,resc_slr,mc.cores = 3)


r <- raster(file.path(dir_anx,'prs_slr/v2016/output/slr_2015.tif'))

plot(ocean, col='cornsilk2', axes=F, box=F, main='Sea Level Rise Pressure 2015', legend=F)      

histogram(r, main ='Sea Level Pressure 2015')

Citation information

The altimeter products were produced and distributed by Aviso (http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/), as part of the Ssalto ground processing segment. AVISO MSLA heights, monthly means