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This analysis runs three catch-only models on the Sea Around Us catch data to estimate stock status (B/Bmsy). Stocks are defined by FAO areas and are limited to only those records where catch is reported at the species level. The three catch-only models are:

  1. Catch-MSY (CMSY ) model of Martell and Froese (2012),

  2. Catch-only- model with sampling-importance resampling (COMSIR) developed by Vasconcellos and Cochrane (2005);

  3. State-space catch-only model (SSCOM) developed by Thorson et al. (2013).

The datalimited R package, developed by Sean Anderson, is used to run each of these models on the dataset. As of 8/9/2016 this package is held in a private repository on GitHub.


knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, fig.path = 'figs/',message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

library(datalimited) #has the 4 catch only models
registerDoParallel(cores = 8)


Load catch data

Read in catch data aggregated from half degree cell to OHI region catch_data_prep.Rmd.

catch <- read.csv('int/spatial_catch_pre_bbmsy.csv',stringsAsFactors=F)%>%
          rename(common = Common_Name)


if (!file.exists(file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits.rds"))) {
cmsy_fits <- plyr::dlply(catch, c("stock_id", "common"), function(x) {
    #make sure the data is ordered from 1950 to 2010
    x <- arrange(x,year)
    out <- cmsy(ct = x$tons, yr = x$year,  start_r = resilience(x$Resilience[1]), 
      reps = 2e4)
    out$year <- x$year
  }, .parallel = TRUE)
saveRDS(cmsy_fits, file = file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits.rds"))
} else {
  cmsy_fits <- readRDS(file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits.rds"))

fake_data <- data.frame(bbmsy_q2.5 = NA, bbmsy_q25 = NA, bbmsy_q50 = NA, 
  bbmsy_q75 = NA, bbmsy_q97.5 = NA)

cmsy_bbmsy <- plyr::ldply(cmsy_fits, function(x) {
  bbmsy_cmsy <- x$biomass[, -1] / x$bmsy
  bbmsy_out <- tryCatch({
    bbmsy_out <- summarize_bbmsy(bbmsy_cmsy)
    bbmsy_out$year <- x$year
    bbmsy_out}, error = function(e) fake_data)
cmsy_bbmsy$model <- "CMSY"


Explore why there are some NAs (I think non convergance)

nas <- cmsy_bbmsy%>%
  summarize(m = mean(bbmsy_mean))%>%


Catch-MSY with a uniform prior

if (!file.exists(file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits-uni-prior.rds"))) {
cmsy_fits_uni <- plyr::dlply(catch, c("stock_id", "common"), function(x) {
  #make sure the data is ordered from 1950 to 2010
     x <- arrange(x,year)
    out <- cmsy(x$tons, yr = x$year,  start_r = resilience(x$Resilience[1]), 
      reps = 2e4, finalbio = c(0.01, 0.7))
    out$year <- x$year
  }, .parallel = TRUE)
saveRDS(cmsy_fits_uni, file = file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits-uni-prior.rds"))
} else {
  cmsy_fits_uni <- readRDS(file.path(dir_M,"git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/cmsy-fits-uni-prior.rds"))

fake_data <- data.frame(bbmsy_q2.5 = NA, bbmsy_q25 = NA, bbmsy_q50 = NA, 
  bbmsy_q75 = NA, bbmsy_q97.5 = NA)

cmsy_bbmsy_uni <- plyr::ldply(cmsy_fits_uni, function(x) {
  bbmsy_cmsy <- x$biomass[, -1] / x$bmsy
  bbmsy_out <- tryCatch({
    bbmsy_out <- summarize_bbmsy(bbmsy_cmsy)
    bbmsy_out$year <- x$year
    bbmsy_out}, error = function(e) fake_data)
cmsy_bbmsy_uni$model <- "CMSY_uniform"



The output of running COMSIR created 57 individual dataframes. This is a result of debugging. I kept getting a “missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed” error but wasn’t able to identify what species was causing this so I split the stocks into batches to run. After getting the error, often just rerunning the model would produce results without any changes.



#for loop
batches <- seq(1,1136,20)

for (i in 1:length(batches)){
  start <- batches[i]
  end <- start+19
  batchn <- all.stocks[start:end]
#subset the catch to match stocks in each of the 9 batches  
#input<-subset(catch, stock_id%in%get(paste("batch",i,".stocks",sep="")))
  input<-subset(catch, stock_id%in%batchn)
#run the comsir model function on each stock_id within input
comsir_fits <- plyr::dlply(input, c("stock_id", "common"), function(x) {
    out <- comsir(ct = x$tons, yr = x$year,  start_r = resilience(x$Resilience[1]), 
      nsim = 1e5, n_posterior = 5e3)
  }, .parallel = TRUE)

#save the data as an RDS
saveRDS(comsir_fits, file = paste0(file.path(dir_M),"/git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/comsir-fits/comsir-fits_",i,".rds"))

fake_data <- data.frame(bbmsy_q2.5 = NA, bbmsy_q25 = NA, bbmsy_q50 = NA, 
  bbmsy_q75 = NA, bbmsy_q97.5 = NA)

#take the fits and create a dataframe with the bbmsy

comsir_bbmsy <- plyr::ldply(comsir_fits, function(x) {
    out <- reshape2::dcast(x$quantities, sample_id ~ yr, value.var = "bbmsy")[,-1]
    out <- summarize_bbmsy(out)
    out$year <- unique(x$quantities$yr)
    error = function(e) fake_data)

  #add model column defining COM-SIR
  comsir_bbmsy$model <- "COM-SIR"
  #save as csv


Combine the .csvs into one dataset.

files <- list.files('int/comsir',full.names=T)

tables <- lapply(files, read.csv)
comsir_all <- do.call(rbind, tables)



#trying SSCOM on just one stock

test_stks <- sample(unique(catch$stock_id),5,replace=F)

 # [1] Tenualosa_ilisha-57         Arctoscopus_japonicus-71    Peprilus_triacanthus-31     Fenneropenaeus_chinensis-71 Umbrina_canariensis-47     
 # [6] Mugil_cephalus-51           Oncorhynchus_gorbuscha-61   Drepane_punctata-51         Salmo_salar-27              Carcharhinus_sorrah-57 

dat <- catch%>%filter(stock_id %in% test_stks)

plyr::d_ply(catch,"stock_id", function(x) {

    filename <- paste0(file.path(dir_M),'/git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/sscom-fits/sscom-',unique(x$stock_id)[1], ".rds")

  if (!exists(filename)) {
    out <- tryCatch({
        ct            = x$tons,
        yr            = x$year,
        start_r       = resilience(catch$Resilience[1]),
        NburninPrelim = 1000,  #1000
        NiterPrelim   = 2000,  #2000
        NthinPrelim   = 1,     # 1
        NchainsPrelim = 20,   #100
        NburninJags   = 1e3,   #1e6
        NiterJags     = 3e3,   #3e6
        NthinJags     = 2,  #1000
        Nchains       = 3,
        return_jags   = TRUE)
    }, error = function(e) NA)

      out$output$species <- x$stock_id
      out$bbmsy$species <- x$ctock_id
      saveRDS(out, file = filename)

}, .parallel = TRUE))

Combine the SSCOM data

files <- list.files(file.path(dir_M,'git-annex/globalprep/fis/v2016/int/sscom-fits'),full.names=T)

tables <- lapply(files, 
                   sp <- str_sub(x,70,nchar(x)-4)
                   #read in RDS file
                   df <- readRDS(x)
                   #grab the bbmsy table from the RDS file
                   b_df <- df$bbmsy%>%
                            mutate(stock_id = sp,
                                   model = "SSCOM")
sscom_all <- do.call(rbind, tables)


Citation information

Anderson et al. (2016) Improving estimates of population status and trend with 2 superensemble models Fish and Fisheries (Under Review)