KKT Callbacks with IntPoint

The interior point solver can sometimes be sped up dramatically by exploiting the simultanious structure of $Q$,$A$ and $G$. Here we will consider the simple problem:

$$\mbox{minimize}\quad\frac{1}{2}x^{T}Qx-b^{T}x,\qquad\mbox{s.t.}\quad x\geq0.$$

The solver can be called with no special parameters,

In [4]:
using ConicIP

n = 1000

Q = sparse(randn(n,n)); 
Q = Q'*Q;
c = ones(n,1);
A = speye(n);
b = zeros(n,1);
𝐾 = [("R",n)];

@time conicIP( Q , c , A , b , 𝐾 , verbose = true);
 > INTERIOR POINT SOLVER v0.7 (July 2016)

   Iter  Mu          prFeas      duFeas      muFeas      refine    
      1  1.7653e+00  1.3071e+00  4.1667e+01  1.5633e+00  1
      2  3.8817e-01  2.7260e-01  8.6896e+00  4.3973e-01  1
      3  1.3674e-01  7.3342e-02  2.3379e+00  2.9856e-01  1
      4  4.0684e-02  1.6830e-02  5.3649e-01  1.4986e-01  1
      5  1.0436e-02  2.5143e-03  8.0146e-02  6.5562e-02  1
      6  1.3460e-03  1.1343e-14  6.1191e-17  8.5276e-03  1
      7  1.8750e-04  8.4381e-15  3.9569e-17  1.1522e-03  1
      8  2.3185e-05  7.7170e-15  4.1380e-17  1.4949e-04  1
      9  2.1053e-06  8.3087e-15  4.1707e-17  1.5936e-05  1
     10  9.6541e-08  8.0378e-15  4.3236e-17  1.3858e-06  1

 > EXIT -- Below Tolerance!

  4.550797 seconds (29.30 k allocations: 1.328 GB, 10.45% gc time)

The speed of the solver is reasonable, as the deault solver exploits the sparsity of the constraint matrix. We can do better, however.

KKT Callbacks

To speed up the solver, we require a function solve3x3gen which returns a function solving the KKT system

$$\left(\begin{array}{ccc} Q & G^{T} & A^{T}\\ G\\ A & & -F^{T}F \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} a\\ c\\ b \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} x\\ z\\ y \end{array}\right)$$

Where $F$ is a Block matrix with blocks corrosponding to the cones specified in 𝐾,

$$F[i]=\begin{cases} \mbox{diag}(u_i) & \mbox{if }K_{i}\mbox{ is "R"}\\ α_iI+u_i u_i^T & \mbox{if }K_{i}\mbox{ is "Q"} \quad \mbox{ for some } u_i, \alpha_i\\ A_{U_i} & \mbox{if }K_i\mbox{ is "S" }\, \quad \mbox{where } A_{U_i}x=\mbox{vec}(U_i^{T}\mbox{mat}(x)U_i) \mbox{ for all $x$}. \end{cases} $$

The operation $vec$ is the vectorization operator on symmetric matrices $$ \mbox{vec}(U)=(U_{11},\sqrt{2}U_{21},\dots,\sqrt{2}U_{p1},U_{22},\sqrt{2}U_{32},\dots,\sqrt{2}U_{p2},\dots,U_{p-1,p-1},\sqrt{2}U_{p,p-1},U_{pp}) $$

and $\mbox{mat}$ is the inverse transformation back to a symmetric matrix.

The matrix $\mbox{diag}(u)$ is represented by type Diag, $αI+uu$ is represented by type SymWoodbury, and $A_{U_i}$ is represented by the type VecCongurance.

In this example, since we have no linear constraints, $G$ is empty, and our KKT system is $$ \left(\begin{array}{cc} Q & I\\ I & -F^{T}F \end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c} a\\ b \end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{c} x\\ y \end{array}\right) $$

The system can be solved by pivoting on the second block, as follows: $$ \big(Q+(F^TF)^{-1} \big)\,a=x+(F^TF)^{-1}y,\qquad b=(F^TF)^{-1}(a-y) $$

Because we only have polyhedral constraints, $F^{-2}$ is a diagonal matrix, thus the first equation is a diagonal perturbation to $Q$ which can be solved via a Cholesky Factorization. Pivoting allows us to solve a 1000x1000 system rather than a 2000x2000 system (albeit with a some sparsity structure).

In [12]:
function kktsolver(Q, A, G)
    function solve3x3gen(F, F⁻¹)

      invFᵀF = inv(F'F)
      QpD⁻¹ = cholfact(Q + spdiagm( (F[1].diag).^(-2) ))

      function solve3x3(x, z, y)

        a = QpD⁻¹\(x + A'*(invFᵀF*y))
        b = invFᵀF*(y - A*a)
        c = zeros(0,1)              # empty vector.
        return(a, c, b)



@time sol = conicIP( Q , c , A , b , 𝐾 , 
    kktsolver = kktsolver; 
    verbose = true);
 > INTERIOR POINT SOLVER v0.7 (July 2016)

   Iter  Mu          prFeas      duFeas      muFeas      refine    
      1  1.7653e+00  1.3071e+00  4.1667e+01  1.5633e+00  1
      2  3.8817e-01  2.7260e-01  8.6896e+00  4.3973e-01  1
      3  1.3674e-01  7.3342e-02  2.3379e+00  2.9856e-01  1
      4  4.0684e-02  1.6830e-02  5.3649e-01  1.4986e-01  1
      5  1.0436e-02  2.5143e-03  8.0146e-02  6.5562e-02  1
      6  1.3460e-03  1.2157e-14  5.1492e-17  8.5276e-03  1
      7  1.8750e-04  9.1014e-15  3.9022e-17  1.1522e-03  1
      8  2.3185e-05  8.4269e-15  3.5807e-17  1.4949e-04  1
      9  2.1053e-06  8.0958e-15  3.7206e-17  1.5936e-05  1
     10  9.6541e-08  8.1248e-15  3.6720e-17  1.3858e-06  1

 > EXIT -- Below Tolerance!

  3.213126 seconds (32.19 k allocations: 1.035 GB, 29.09% gc time)

This results in a 5-fold improvement in speed, and a dramatic drop in memory usage!

This pattern of pivoting on the third block happens often enough that we have encapsulated it in the convenience function pivot, which transforms a $2x2$ solver of the system

$$ \left(\begin{array}{cc} Q+A^{T}(F^{T}F)^{-1}A & G\\ G & 0 \end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c} a\\ b \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} x\\ y \end{array}\right) $$

into a $3x3$ solver. This is illustrated below

In [8]:
function kktsolver2x2(Q, A, G)
  function solve3x3gen(F, F⁻¹)

    QpD⁻¹ = cholfact(Q + spdiagm( (F[1].diag).^(-2) ))
    return (y, x) -> (QpD⁻¹\y, zeros(0,1))


@time sol = conicIP( Q , c , A , b , 𝐾 , 
    kktsolver = pivot(kktsolver2x2); 
    verbose = true);
 > INTERIOR POINT SOLVER v0.7 (July 2016)

   Iter  Mu          prFeas      duFeas      muFeas      refine    
      1  1.7653e+00  1.3071e+00  4.1667e+01  1.5633e+00  1
      2  3.8817e-01  2.7260e-01  8.6896e+00  4.3973e-01  1
      3  1.3674e-01  7.3342e-02  2.3379e+00  2.9856e-01  1
      4  4.0684e-02  1.6830e-02  5.3649e-01  1.4986e-01  1
      5  1.0436e-02  2.5143e-03  8.0146e-02  6.5562e-02  1
      6  1.3460e-03  1.2747e-14  6.1372e-17  8.5276e-03  1
      7  1.8750e-04  8.0473e-15  4.5367e-17  1.1522e-03  1
      8  2.3185e-05  8.2632e-15  4.5512e-17  1.4949e-04  1
      9  2.1053e-06  8.6647e-15  4.3328e-17  1.5936e-05  1
     10  9.6541e-08  8.3346e-15  4.2522e-17  1.3858e-06  1

 > EXIT -- Below Tolerance!

  2.077634 seconds (44.26 k allocations: 1.036 GB, 12.61% gc time)

And as a bonus we even get an extra boost in speed!

In [9]: