A container for functionality related to a context session.


Time To Live: Number of seconds for which a session remains valid after being saved.

MockDalliClient =

Before Hoodoo::TransientStore was created, the Session system was directly tied into Memcached and had a mock backend used for tests without a Redis dependency. This now lives in Hoodoo::TransientStore::Mocks::DalliClient, but for any code out in the wild which might use the old Session namespace version, we add what amounts to a class alias here.

[RW] caller_fingerprint

An optional property of a session is the Caller's fingerprint, a UUID assigned to some Callers which can be persisted by resource instances when created and rendered in the created_by field via e.g. Hoodoo::Presenters::Base.#render_in.

[RW] caller_id

A Session must always refer to a Caller instance by UUID.

[RW] caller_identity_name

An optional property of a session is the Caller's “identity name”, a generic way to refer to this Caller which will appear in logs. The use is up to the session creator, in combination with whatever logging engine is in use; if it ascribes meaning to the identity name, then the session creator must ensure it comforms.

[RW] caller_version

Callers can change; if so, related sessions must be invalidated. This must be achieved by keeping a version count on the Caller. A session is associated with a particular Caller version and if the version changes, associated sessions are flushed.

If you change a Caller version in a Session, you really should call save_to_store as soon as possible afterwards so that the change gets recognised in the Hoodoo::TransientStore.

[R] created_at

The creation date of this session instance as a Time instance in UTC.

[R] expires_at

The expiry date for this session - the session should be considered expired at or after this date. Some session stores may support automatic expiry of session data, but there may be a small window between the expiry date passing and the store expiring the data; so always check the expiry.

Only set when the session is saved (or loaded from a representation that includes an existing expiry date). See e.g.:

The value is a Time instance in UTC. If nil, the session has not yet been saved.

[R] identity

An OpenStruct instance with session-creator defined key/value pairs that define the identity of the session holder. This is usually related to a Caller resource instance - see also Hoodoo::Data::Resources::Caller - and will often contain a Caller resource instance's UUID, amongst other data.

The object describes “who the session's owner is”.

[RW] permissions

A Hoodoo::Services::Permissions instance.

The instance describes “what the session is allowed to do”.

[RW] scoping

An OpenStruct instance with session-creator defined values that describe the scoping, that is, visbility of data, for the session. Its contents relate to service resource interface descriptions (see the DSL for Hoodoo::Services::Interface) and may be partially or entirely supported by the ActiveRecord finder extensions in Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Finder.

The object describes the “data that the session can 'see'”.

[RW] session_id

A Session must have its own UUID.

[RW] storage_engine

Declares the transient storage engine this session will write to. Both this and storage_host_uri are used within Hoodoo::TransientStore.new.

[RW] storage_host_uri

Connection IP address/port String for the selected storage engine. The connection host can be set either through this accessor, or via the object's constructor.

Class Public methods
new( options = {} )

Create a new instance.


Optional Hash of options, described below.

Options are:


UUID of this session. If unset, a new UUID is generated for you. You can read the UUID with the session_id accessor method.


UUID of the Caller instance associated with this session. This can be set either now or later, but the session cannot be saved without it.


Version of the Caller instance. Defaults to zero.


Optional Caller fingerprint UUID. Defaults to nil.


An entry (Symbol) from Hoodoo::TransientStore.supported_storage_engines. Defaults to :memcached.


URI for Hoodoo::TransientStore engine connections.


Host for Memcached connections (deprecated).

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 163
def initialize( options = {} )
  @created_at = Time.now.utc

  self.session_id         = options[ :session_id         ] || Hoodoo::UUID.generate()
  self.storage_engine     = options[ :storage_engine     ] || :memcached
  self.storage_host_uri   = options[ :storage_host_uri   ] || options[ :memcached_host ]
  self.caller_id          = options[ :caller_id          ]
  self.caller_version     = options[ :caller_version     ] || 0
  self.caller_fingerprint = options[ :caller_fingerprint ]
Instance Public methods
augment_with_permissions_for( interaction )

Speciality interface usually only called by the middleware, or components closely related to the middleware.

Takes this session and creates a copy for an inter-resource call which adds any additional parameters that the calling interface says it needs in order to complete the currently handled action.

Through calling this method, the middleware implements the access permission functionality described by Hoodoo::Services::Interface#additional_permissions_for.


Hoodoo::Services::Middleware::Interaction instance describing the current interaction. This is for the request that a resource implementation *is handling* at the point it wants to make an inter-resource call

  • it is not data related to the target of that



  • Hoodoo::Services::Session instance if everything works OK; this may be the same as, or different from, the input session depending on whether or not there were any permissions that needed adding.

  • false if the session can't be saved due to a mismatched caller version - the session must have become invalid during handling.

If the augmented session cannot be saved due to a storage problem, an exception is raised and the generic handler will turn this into a 500 response for the caller. At this time, we really can't do much better than that since failure to save the augmented session means the inter-resource call cannot proceed; it's an internal fault.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 652
def augment_with_permissions_for( interaction )

  # Set up some convenience variables

  interface = interaction.target_interface
  action    = interaction.requested_action

  # If there are no additional permissions for this action, just return
  # the current session back again.

  action                 = action.to_s()
  additional_permissions = ( interface.additional_permissions() || {} )[ action ]

  return self if additional_permissions.nil?

  # Otherwise, duplicate the session and its permissions (or generate
  # defaults) and merge the additional permissions.

  local_session     = self.dup()
  local_permissions = self.permissions ? self.permissions.dup() : Hoodoo::Services::Permissions.new

  local_permissions.merge!( additional_permissions.to_h() )

  # Make sure the new session has its own ID and set the updated
  # permissions. Then try to save it and return the result.

  local_session.session_id  = Hoodoo::UUID.generate()
  local_session.permissions = local_permissions

  case local_session.save_to_store()
    when :ok
      return local_session

    when :outdated
      # Caller version mismatch; original session is now outdated and invalid
      return false

    else # Couldn't save it
      raise "Unable to create interim session for inter-resource call from #{ interface.resource } / #{ action }"

Deprecated alias for delete_from_store, dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Alias for: delete_from_store

Delete this session from the transient store. The Session object is not modified.

Returns a symbol:

  • :ok: The Session was deleted from the transient store successfully.

  • :fail: The session data could not be deleted (unexpected storage engine failure).

Also aliased as: delete_from_memcached
# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 478
def delete_from_store

    store  = get_store()
    result = store.delete( key: self.session_id )

    case result
      when true
        return :ok
      when false
        raise 'Unknown storage engine failure'
        raise result

  rescue => exception

    # Log error and return nil if the session can't be parsed
      'Hoodoo::Services::Session\#delete_from_store: Session delete - connection fault',

    return :fail


Has this session expired? Only valid if an expiry date is set; see expires_at.

Returns true if the session has expired, or false if it has either not expired, or has no expiry date set yet.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 518
def expired?
  exp = self.expires_at()
  now = Time.now.utc

  return ! ( exp.nil? || now < exp )
from_h!( hash )

Load session parameters from a given Hash, of the form set by to_h.

If appropriate Hash keys are present, will set any or all of session_id, identity, scoping and permissions.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 574
def from_h!( hash )
  hash = Hoodoo::Utilities.stringify( hash )



  ).each do | property |
    value = hash[ property ]
    self.send( "#{ property }=", value ) unless value.nil?



  ).each do | property |
    if hash.has_key?( property )
        instance_variable_set( "@#{ property }", Time.parse( hash[ property ] ).utc() )
      rescue => e
        # Invalid time given; keep existing date



  ).each do | property |
    value = hash[ property ]
    self.send( "#{ property }=", OpenStruct.new( value ) ) unless value.nil?

  value = hash[ 'permissions' ]
  self.permissions = Hoodoo::Services::Permissions.new( value ) unless value.nil?
identity=( hash )

Set the identity data via a Hash of key/value pairs - see also identity.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 73
def identity=( hash )
  @identity = OpenStruct.new( hash )
load_from_memcached!( sid )

Deprecated alias for load_from_store!, dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Alias for: load_from_store!
load_from_store!( sid )

Load session data into this instance, overwriting instance values if the session is found. Raises an exception if there is a problem connecting to the transient store.


The Session UUID to look up.

Returns a symbol:

  • :ok: The session data was loaded OK and is valid.

  • :outdated: The session data was loaded, but is outdated; either the session has expired, or its Caller version mismatches the associated stored Caller version in the transient store.

  • :not_found: The session was not found.

  • :fail: The session data could not be loaded (unexpected storage engine failure).

Also aliased as: load_from_memcached!
# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 295
def load_from_store!( sid )
    store        = get_store()
    session_hash = store.get( key: sid, allow_throw: true )

    if session_hash.nil?
      return :not_found
      self.from_h!( session_hash )
      return :outdated if self.expired?

      cv = load_caller_version_from_store( store, self.caller_id )

      if cv == nil || cv > self.caller_version
        return :outdated
        return :ok

  rescue => exception

    # Log error and return nil if the session can't be parsed
      'Hoodoo::Services::Session\#load_from_store!: Session loading failed - connection fault or session corrupt',


  return :fail

Deprecated interface (use storage_host_uri instead), dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Supports backwards compatibility of options key memcached_host, aliases storage_host_uri.

Provides same functionality as alias_method, however includes a deprecation warning.

Similar to:

alias_method( :memcached_host, :storage_host_uri )
# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 403
def memcached_host
    'Hoodoo::Services::Session#memcached_host is deprecated - use #storage_host_uri'

memcached_host=( uri )

Deprecated interface (use storage_host_uri= instead), dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Provides same functionality as alias_method, however includes a deprecation warning.

Similar to:

alias_method( :memcached_host=, :storage_host_uri= )
# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 421
def memcached_host=( uri )
    'Hoodoo::Services::Session#memcached_host= is deprecated - use #storage_host_uri='

  self.storage_host_uri = uri

Deprecated alias for save_to_store, dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Alias for: save_to_store

Save this session to the transient store, in a manner that will allow it to be loaded by load_from_store! later.

A session can only be saved if it has a Caller ID - see caller_id= or the options hash passed to the constructor.

The Hoodoo::Services::Session::TTL constant determines the maximum length of time for which the data persists inside the transient store.

Returns a symbol:

  • :ok: The session data was saved OK and is valid. There was either a Caller record with an earlier or matching value in the transient store, no preexisting record of the Caller.

  • :outdated: The session data could not be saved because an existing Caller record was found in the transient store with a newer version than 'this' session, implying that the session is already outdated.

  • :fail: The session data could not be saved.

Also aliased as: save_to_memcached
# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 195
def save_to_store
  if self.caller_id.nil?
    raise 'Hoodoo::Services::Session\#save_to_store: Cannot save this session as it has no assigned Caller UUID'

    store = get_store()

    # Try to update the Caller version in the store using this
    # Session's data. If this fails, the Caller version is out of
    # date or we couldn't talk to the store. Either way, bail out.
    # TL;DR: The 'update' call here is critical.
    # This process refreshes the caller version information in the
    # transient store back-end with each new Session. If eventually the
    # Caller version is expired or evicted, Sessions would be immediately
    # invalidated and a recreation would result in the Caller version
    # being rewritten.
    # What if the Caller goes out of date? An external service must gate
    # access to Caller resource changes and update the Caller version
    # itself if the Caller alters in a way that should invalidate
    # Sessions. This refreshes the lifetime on that item which normally
    # expires at a much greater TTL than sessions anyway and, if anyone
    # tries to use a Stale session after, the Caller version mismatch
    # will invalidate it so they'll need a new one.
    # If a Caller version is created but somehow evicted before any of
    # the older existing Sessions (perhaps because Caller version data is
    # small but Session data is large) then attempts to read the Session
    # will fail; *loading* a Session requires the Caller version. The
    # Caller would have to create a new Session and this would by virtue
    # of the handling resource endpoint's service code acquire the new
    # Caller version data immediately then cause it to be re-asserted /
    # re-written by the code below.
    result = update_caller_version_in_store( self.caller_id,
                                             store )

    return result unless result.equal?( :ok )

    # Must set this before saving, even though the delay between
    # setting this value and the store actually saving the value
    # with a TTL will mean that the store expires the key slightly
    # *after* the time we record.

    @expires_at = ( ::Time.now + TTL ).utc()
    result      = store.set( key:              self.session_id,
                             payload:          self.to_h(),
                             maximum_lifespan: TTL )

    case result
      when true
        return :ok
      when false
        raise 'Unknown storage engine failure'
        raise result

  rescue => exception

    # Log error and return nil if the session can't be parsed
      'Hoodoo::Services::Session\#save_to_store: Session saving failed - connection fault or session corrupt',


  return :fail
scoping=( hash )

Set the scoping data via a Hash of key/value pairs - see also scoping.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 97
def scoping=( hash )
  @scoping = OpenStruct.new( hash )

Represent this session's data as a Hash, for uses such as persistence or loading into another session instance. See also from_h!.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 528
def to_h
  hash = {}



  ).each do | property |
    value = self.send( property )
    hash[ property ] = value unless value.nil?



  ).each do | property |
    value = self.send( property )
    hash[ property ] = Hoodoo::Utilities.standard_datetime( value ) unless value.nil?



  ).each do | property |
    value = self.send( property )
    hash[ property ] = Hoodoo::Utilities.stringify( value.to_h() ) unless value.nil?

  return hash
update_caller_version_in_memcached( cid, cv, store = nil )

Deprecated interface (use update_caller_version_in_store instead), dating back to when the Session engine was hard-coded to Memcached.

Parameters as for update_caller_version_in_store, except store is must be a fully configured Dalli::Client instance. Use of this interface is inefficient and discouraged; it will result in logged warnings.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 437
def update_caller_version_in_memcached( cid, cv, store = nil )
  unless store.nil?
      'Hoodoo::Services::Session#update_caller_version_in_memcached is deprecated - use #update_caller_version_in_store'

    # Inefficient - create a TransientStore configured for the normal
    # Memcached connection data, but get hold of its storage engine and
    # change that engine's client to the provided Dalli::Client instance.

    temp_store = Hoodoo::TransientStore.new(
      storage_engine:    :memcached,
      storage_host_uri:  self.memcached_host(),
      default_namespace: 'nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_session_'

    memcached_engine        = temp_store.storage_engine_instance()
    memcached_engine.client = store

      update_caller_version_in_store( cid, cv, temp_store )

    update_caller_version_in_store( cid, cv )

update_caller_version_in_store( cid, cv, store = nil )

Update the version of a given Caller in the transient store. This is done automatically when Sessions are saved to that store, but if external code alters any Callers independently, it MUST call here to keep stored records up to date.

If no cached version is in the transient store for the Caller, the method assumes it is being called for the first time for that Caller and writes the version it has to hand, rather than considering it an error condition.


Caller UUID of the Caller record to update.


New version to store (an Integer).


Optional Hoodoo::TransientStore instance to use for data storage. If omitted, a connection is established for you. This is mostly an optimisation parameter, used by code which already has established a connection and wants to avoid creating another unnecessarily.

Returns a Symbol:

  • :ok: The Caller record was updated successfully.

  • :outdated: The Caller was already present in the transient store with a _higher version_ than the one you wanted to save. Your own local Caller data must therefore already be out of date.

  • :fail: The Caller could not be updated (unexpected storage engine failure).

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/session.rb, line 365
def update_caller_version_in_store( cid, cv, store = nil )
    store        ||= get_store()
    cached_version = load_caller_version_from_store( store, cid )

    if cached_version != nil && cached_version > cv
      return :outdated
    elsif save_caller_version_to_store( store, cid, cv ) == true
      return :ok

  rescue => exception

    # Log error and return nil if the session can't be parsed
      'Hoodoo::Services::Session\#update_caller_version_in_store: Client version update - connection fault or corrupt record',


  return :fail