Discover - after a fashion - resource endpoint locations by convention, based on Rails-like pluralisation rules. For HTTP-based endpoints. Requires ActiveSupport.

See configure_with for details of required instantiation options. See discover_remote for the returned data type.

Instance Protected methods
announce_remote( resource, version, options = {} )

Announce the location of an instance. This is really a no-op that runs through and returns the result of discover_remote.

Call via Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::Base#announce.


Passed to discover_remote.


Passed to discover_remote.



# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discoverers/by_convention.rb, line 139
def announce_remote( resource, version, options = {} )
  return discover_remote( resource, version )
configure_with( options )

Configure an instance. Call via Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::Base#new. Parameters:


Options hash as described below.

Options are:


A String giving the base URI at which resource endpoint implementations can be found. The protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), host and port are of interest. The path will be overwritten with by-convention values for individual resources.


An optional full URI of an HTTP proxy to use if the base URI commands use of HTTP or HTTPS. Ruby will itself read ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] if set; this option overrides that variable. Set as a String, as with base_uri.


An optional String indicating a relative or absolute file path to the location of a .pem format Certificate Authority file (trust store), which may include multliple certificates. The certificates in the file will be used by Net::HTTP to validate the SSL ceritificate chain presented by remote servers, when calling endpoints over HTTPS with Hoodoo::Client.

The default nil value should be used in nearly all cases and uses Ruby OpenSSL defaults which are generally Operating System provided.


Optional Float providing a Net::HTTP read timeout value, when calling endpoints over HTTPS with Hoodoo::Client. This is a value in seconds (default 60) that the client allows for any TCP read operation. It operates at the HTTP transport level and is independent of any higher level timeouts that might be set up.


Optional Float providing a Net::HTTP open timeout value, when calling endpoints over HTTPS with Hoodoo::Client. This is a value in seconds (default 60) that the client allows for any TCP connection attempt. It operates at the HTTP transport level and is independent of any higher level timeouts that might be set up.


An optional parameter which gives custom routing for exception cases where the by-convention map doesn't work. This is usually because there is a resource singleton which lives logically at a singular named route rather than plural route, e.g. /v1/health rather than /v1/healths.

The routing parameter is a Hash of Resource names as Symbols, then values which are Hash of API Version as Integers with values that are the Strings giving the full alternative routing path.

For example, by convention API version 2 of a Health resource would be routed to “/v2/healths”. You would override this to a singular route with this routing parameter Hash:

  :Health => {
    2 => '/v2/health'

This would leave version 1 of the endpoint (or any other version for that matter) still at the by-convention “v<x>/healths” path.

Changing the “v<x>” convention for the version part of the path will break Hoodoo compatibility, but this is still allowed in the override in case you have unusual configurations or HTTP layer rewrites that redirect requests to paths that do map down to Hoodoo, or perhaps map to a Hoodoo-like system that's not actually Hoodoo itself but implemented in a compatible fashion.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discoverers/by_convention.rb, line 120
def configure_with( options )
  @base_uri          = URI.parse( options[ :base_uri  ] )
  @proxy_uri         = URI.parse( options[ :proxy_uri ] ) unless options[ :proxy_uri ].nil?

  @ca_file           = options[ :ca_file           ]
  @http_timeout      = options[ :http_timeout      ]
  @http_open_timeout = options[ :http_open_timeout ]
  @routing           = options[ :routing           ] || {}
discover_remote( resource, version )

Using the base URI string from the options in #configure_with, underscore and pluralize the resource name with ActiveSupport to produce a path. For example:

  • Version 3 of resource Member results in /v3/members

  • Version 2 of resource FarmAnimal results in /v2/farm_animals

Returns a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP instance.

The use of ActiveSupport means that pluralisation is subject to the well known Rails limitations and quirks. The behaviour can be overridden using the optional routing parameter in the constructor.

Call via Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::Base#discover.


Resource name as a String.


Endpoint version as an Integer.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discoverers/by_convention.rb, line 165
def discover_remote( resource, version )
  custom_routes = @routing[ resource.to_sym ]

  path = unless custom_routes.nil?
    custom_routes[ version ]

  path ||= "/v#{ version }/#{ resource.to_s.underscore.pluralize }"

  endpoint_uri      = @base_uri.dup
  endpoint_uri.path = path

    resource:          resource,
    version:           version,
    endpoint_uri:      endpoint_uri,
    proxy_uri:         @proxy_uri,
    ca_file:           @ca_file,
    http_timeout:      @http_timeout,
    http_open_timeout: @http_open_timeout