Last updated: 2017-02-27

Code version: 0a13d52


Matthew had an idea that what if the only thing we know is the most extreme observation \((\hat\beta_{(n)}, \hat s_{(n)})\), as well as the total number of observations \(n\). What does this single data point tell us?


Start with our usual ash model.

\[ \begin{array}{c} \hat\beta_j | \hat s_j, \beta_j \sim N(\beta_j, \hat s_j^2)\\ \beta_j \sim \sum_k\pi_k N(0, \sigma_k^2) \end{array} \] Now we only observe \((\hat\beta_{(n)}, \hat s_{(n)})\) with the information that \(|\hat\beta_{(n)}/\hat s_{(n)}| \geq |\hat\beta_{j}/\hat s_{j}|\), \(j = 1, \ldots, n\). This is essentially separating \(n\) observations into two groups.

\[ \text{Group 1: }(\hat\beta_{(1)}, \hat s_{(1)}), \ldots, (\hat\beta_{(n - 1)}, \hat s_{(n - 1)}), \text{ with } |\hat\beta_j/\hat s_j| \leq t = |\hat\beta_{(n)}/\hat s_{(n)}| \] \[ \text{Group 2: }(\hat\beta_{n}, \hat s_{n}), \text{ with } |\hat\beta_{(n)}/\hat s_{(n)}| = t \] Or in other words, it should be equivalent to truncash using the threshold \(t = |\hat\beta_{(n)}/\hat s_{(n)}|\), at least from the likelihood principle point of view.

Back-of-the-envelope calculation

Suppose \(X_1 \sim F_1, X_2\sim F_2, \ldots, X_n \sim F_n\), with \(F_i\) being the cdf of the random variable \(X_i\), with a pdf \(f_i\). In ash’s setting, we can think of \(X_i = |\hat\beta_i/ \hat s_i|\), and \(f_i\) is the convolution of a common unimodel distribution \(g\) (to be estimated) and the idiosyncratic likelihood of \(|\hat\beta_j / \hat s_j|\) given \(\hat s_j\) (usually related to normal or Student’s t, but could be generalized to others). Let \(X_{(n)}:=\max\{X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\}\), the extreme value of these \(n\) random variables.

\[ \begin{array}{rl} & P(X_{(n)} \leq t) = \Pi_{i = 1}^n F_i(t) \\ \Rightarrow & p_{X_{(n)}}(t) = dP(X_{(n)} \leq t)/dt = \end{array} \]


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