18 April 2016

Objectives for the week

  • Collaborative Research Project

  • Peer discussion/feedback

  • Further work on Collaborative Research Project

Collaborative Research Project (1)

Purposes: Pose an interesting research question and try to answer it using data analysis and standard academic practices. Effectively communicate your results to a variety of audiences in a variety of formats.


  • Presentation: In-class Monday 2 May

  • Website/Paper: 13 May 2016

Collaborative Research Project (2)

The project can be thought of as a 'dry run' for your thesis with multiple presentation outputs.

Presentation: 10 minutes maximum. Engagingly present your research question and key findings to a general academic audience (fellow students).

Paper: 5,000 words maximum. Standard academic paper, properly cited laying out your research question, literature review, data, methods, and findings.

Website: An engaging website designed to convey your research to a general audience.

Collaborative Research Project (3)

Project total: 50% of your final mark.

  • 10% presentation

  • 10% website

  • 30% paper

Collaborative Research Project (4)

As always, you should submit one GitHub repository with all of the materials needed to completely reproduce your data gathering, analysis, and presentation documents.

Note: Because you've had two assignments already to work on parts of the project, I expect high quality work.

Collaborative Research Project (5)

Find one other group to be a discussant for your presentation.

The discussants will provide a quick (max 2 minute) critique of your presentation–ideas for things you can improve on your paper–pose questions.

Office hours

I will have normal office hours every week for the rest of the term.

Please take advantages of this opportunity to improve your final project.

Be prepared.

Peer discussion/feedback

First: take ~12 minutes to come up with a five minute pitch for your project:

  • What is your research question? Why is it interesting?

  • What data did you gather/methods did you use?

  • What are your results? How do you plan to present these?

  • What issue do you still have/questions you want to ask?

Second: Pair with one other group and give your pitch + ask the other pair at least two questions about their project.

Third: Show the other group your GitHub repo. Explain how it is organised. Pick one file and explain what this file does in detail.

Final Stretch

Work on your project.

Ask me/other groups questions.