2 December 2016

Course wrap-up

Hopefully you have learned real-world tools for doing/presenting collaborative quantitative research using reproducible research best practices.

Course wrap-up

More importantly: get you over the early hurdles to taking advantage of computational tools needed to conduct/present cutting edge research.

Hopefully set you up to be able to learn more.

Course wrap-up

Learn a way of thinking about research problems and finding solutions.

Course wrap-up

Sounds silly, but Curiousness and Patience are really some of the most important skills for doing research.

These are qualities that can be improved with practice.

Collaborative Research Project (1)

Purposes: Pose an interesting research question and try to answer it using data analysis and standard academic practices. Effectively communicate your results to a variety of audiences in a variety of formats.


  • Presentation: In-class 2 December

  • Website/Paper: 16 December 2016

Collaborative Research Project (2)

The project can be thought of as a 'dry run' for your thesis with multiple presentation outputs.

Presentation: 10 minutes maximum. Engagingly present your research question and key findings to a general academic audience (fellow students).

Paper: 5,000 words maximum. Standard academic paper, properly cited laying out your research question, literature review, data, methods, and findings.

Website: An engaging website designed to convey your research to a general audience.

Collaborative Research Project (3)

Project total: 50% of your final mark.

  • 10% presentation

  • 10% website

  • 30% paper

Collaborative Research Project (4)

As always, you should submit one GitHub repository with all of the materials needed to completely reproduce your data gathering, analysis, and presentation documents.

Note: Because you've had two assignments already to work on parts of the project, I expect high quality work.