22 February 2016

Objectives for the topic

  • Advanced topics in markup languages and literate programming.

    • R Markdown Headers

    • Footnotes

    • BibTeX/Pandoc and citing R Packages

    • Time consuming analyses: caching and Make files

Assignment 2

Proposal for your Collaborative Research Project.

Deadline: 25 March

Submbit: A (max) 2,000 word proposal created with R Markdown. The proposal will:

  • State your research question. And justify why it is interesting.

  • Provide a basic literature review (properly cited with BibTeX).

  • Identify data sources and appropriate research methodologies for answering your question.

As always, submit the entire GitHub repo.

Assignment 2

Definitely see me with your ideas/draft.

Start thinking about types of statistical models that you want to use. I can include these in Lecture 8 (Statistical Modeling with R).

Example Paper

R Markdown Headers

An R Markdown file is just a text file with markup instructions that RStudio understands.

The key to document-consistent formatting is the header.

It is at the start of a file and comes between ---.

The header is written in YAML.


YAML is a human read-able data format.

Elements are separated from values with a colon (:).

Each element is separated by new lines.

Hierarchy is maintained with tabs.

title: 'MPP-E1180 Lecture 5'
author: "Christopher Gandrud"
date: "22 February 2016"
    css: css/font-awesome.min.css
    logo: img/logo.png
  beamer_presentation: default

Super Nerd Point

YAML is a recursive acronym: ''YAML Ain't Markup Language''.

Different Presentation Styles

By defualt, R Markdown uses the ioslides HTML presentation slides style.

You can also use reveal.js.

First install the revealjs R package:


Then in the YAML header use:

output: revealjs::revealjs_presentation

For further styling see https://github.com/jjallaire/revealjs

Table of Contents & Numbered Sections

You can add a table of contents and numbered sections to your PDF output:

    toc: true
    number_sections: true
    fig_captions: true

To do the same for HTML also include the information under html_document.

Figure Options

Create consistent figure formatting:

    fig_width: 7
    fig_height: 6
    fig_caption: true

fig_caption: true attaches captions to figures.

To set the actual caption label, use the fig.cap='SOME CAPTION' code chunk option.

Pandoc footnotes

R Markdown can use Pandoc footnotes.

In-text: In the text place a unique footnote key in the format:

  • [^KEY]

At the end of your document put the full footnote starting with the key, e.g.

  • [^KEY]: This is a footnote.

BibTeX citations

BibTex allows you to create a database of all of the literature/packages you cite.

You can then insert them into your text and they will:

  • Be automatically formatted consistently.

  • Generate an appropriately ordered, consistently formatted reference list at the end of your document with only the works you actually cited.

The BibTeX Database

A BibTeX database is just a text file with the extension .bib.

Each entry follows a standard format depending on the type of media.

    title = {TITLE},
    author = {AUTHOR},
    . . . = {. . .},

Note: Commas are very important!

The Cite Key

The cite key links a specific citation in your presentation document to a specific BibTeX database entry.

They must be unique.

It does not matter what order your BibTeX entries are in the .bib file.

BibTeX Articles

    author = {Acemoglu, Daron and Robinson, James A.},
    title = {Why Did the West Extend the Franchise? Democracy, Inequality,
            and Growth in Historical Perspective},
    journal = {The Quarterly Journal of Economics},
    year = {2000},
    volume = {115},
    number = {4},
    pages = {1167--1199},

BibTeX Books

    title={Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World's
            Electoral Systems},
    author={Gary W. Cox},
    volume = {7},
    publisher={Cambridge University Press},
    address = {Cambridge}


Tip: Google Scholar

Linking your .bib file.

To link your .bib file to your RMarkdown document add to the header:

    - BIB_FILE_NAME.bib

Note: The files should be in the same directory as your R Markdown file.

Including BibTeX citations in RMarkdown

R Markdown uses Pandoc syntax to include a citation in-text.

General format: @CITE_KEY.

So if the cite key is Box1973 then @Box1973 will return Box and Tiao (1973) in the text of the presentation document.

Formatting In-Text Citations

Markup Result
[@Box1973] (Box and Tiao 1973)
[see @Box1973] (see Box and Tiao 1973)
[see @Box1973, 33-40] (see Box and Tiao 1973, 33–40)
[@Box1973; @Acemoglu2000] (Box and Tiao 1973; Acemoglu and Robinson 2000)
@Box1973 [33-40] Box and Tiao (1973, 33–40)

Reference List

A reference list with the full bibliographic details of all cited documents will be automatically created at the end of your document.

Tip: Put # References at the very end of your R Markdown document to have a section heading before the reference list.

Citing R and R Packages

Why cite?

  • Give credit to the software authors (just like when citing literature).

  • Enable reproducible research: identify which software you used and which version.

Citing R and R Packages

Base R way: print citation, copy BibTeX entry into your .bib file.

Cite R:

## @Manual{,
##   title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
##   author = {{R Core Team}},
##   organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
##   address = {Vienna, Austria},
##   year = {2015},
##   url = {https://www.R-project.org/},
## }

Citing R and R Packages

Cite R Packages:

## @Manual{,
##   title = {dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation},
##   author = {Hadley Wickham and Romain Francois},
##   year = {2015},
##   note = {R package version 0.4.3},
##   url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr},
## }

Citing R and R Packages: LoadandCite

The dynamic literate programming way: Use LoadandCite from the repmis package.

Load all of the packages at the beginning of you R Markdown file in a chunk with include=FALSE.

LoadandCite loads the packages and creates a BibTeX file with all of the citations.

pkgs <- c('dplyr', 'ggplot2')

repmis::LoadandCite(pkgs, file = 'RpackageCitations.bib')

Note: Use a file name that is different from your literature BibTeX file!

Citing R and R Packages: LoadandCite

Include the .bib file in your RMarkdown header.

Each cite key follows: R-PKG_NAME.

R itself has the key CiteR.

So @R-dplyr and @CiteR create the citations:

  • Wickham and Francois (2015)

  • R Core Team (2015)

Time Consuming/Intensive Analyses

Knitting your analysis and presentation documents together by placing all of your R code into code chunks can sometimes be problematic:

  • When they are time consuming: requires a lot of computational time.

  • When they access files over the internet: bad practice to make many repeated calls to the same URL, can crash the site. This is equivalent to a denial-of-service attack.

  • When they are many lines long.


  • Long lines: use source() to run R code in other files.

  • Caching for time/computationally intensive work: cache=TRUE code chunk option: only runs the chunk when the chunk code changes.

Advanced: Make files

Make files are the ultimate solution to these problems.

Make is a command line program.

Big Idea: run a make file that runs a list of specific files in order.

Files are only run if they have been changed since the last time the make file was last run.

See Ch. 6 of RRRR if you might want to do this.

Seminar: Practice

Seminar: Begin working on your Proposal

Begin working with your partner on your research proposal.

  • Identify the research area and key literature.

  • Create a new repo and R Markdown document for your proposal.

  • Begin building a BibTeX database for your key literature and try including them in your proposal.

  • Begin identifying data sources.


Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. 2000. “Why Did the West Extend the Franchise? Democracy, Inequality, and Growth in Historical Perspective.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 115 (4): 1167–99.

Box, G. E. P., and G. C. Tiao. 1973. Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. New York: Wiley Classics.

R Core Team. 2015. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. https://www.R-project.org/.

Wickham, Hadley, and Romain Francois. 2015. Dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr.