[][src]Module sudoku_backend::doc::session

Session management

Cookie encrypted with secure key as per rocket spec.

Cookie data is an INTEGER, which is a PRIMARY KEY in the sessions table.

Cookie expiry date is set to 1 day in the future in UTC as determined by chrono::Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::days(1) without sub-second precision.

Cookie name is "session_id".

See user.md for user and login details.

SQL table def

    id              INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC,                -- Unique session ID
    expiry          DATETIME NOT NULL,                      -- Expiry datetime in RFC3339 format
    is_admin        BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,             -- Whether the user has authenticated as administrator
    user_id         INTEGER REFERENCES users (id),          -- ID of user session is logged in as
    sudoku_board_id INTEGER REFERENCES sudoku_boards (id),  -- ID of board currently being solved
    board_skeleton  TEXT,                                   -- The board skeleton sent to the user
    solve_start     DATETIME,                               -- Time the solving started
    CHECK ((board_skeleton IS NULL) OR (LENGTH(board_skeleton) == 9 * 9))