AngularJS Scroll Glue

Examples for an AngularJS directive that automatically scrolls to the bottom of an element on changes in it's scope


To activate the scroll glue on an element just add the scroll-glue attribute.

<textarea scroll-glue></textarea>

With two-way data binding

If you pass a scope variable to the attribute, scroll-glue updates the variable to true when the glue is attached or to false if the glue is released and activates/deactivates the glue according to the variables value.

$scope.glued = true;
<textarea scroll-glue="glued"></textarea>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="glued">

With one-way data binding

If you pass an expression that is not a scope variable, the scroll-glue is bound to the result of this expression.

<textarea scroll-glue="!empty"></textarea>

If you want to force one-way binding on a scope variable use double negation:

<textarea scroll-glue="!!empty"></textarea>

Scroll Direction

You can also specify the scroll direction by combining the following directives:


<textarea scroll-glue-top="glued"></textarea>


<textarea scroll-glue-bottom="glued"></textarea>


<textarea scroll-glue-left="glued"></textarea>


<textarea scroll-glue-right="glued"></textarea>