All elastic.js modules are organized under the ejs namespace.
Name | Description |
AndFilter |
A container Filter that allows Boolean AND composition of Filters. |
AvgAggregation |
Aggregation that computes the average of numeric values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. |
BoolFilter |
A Filter that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other filters. |
BoolQuery |
A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other
queries, e.g. termQuerys, phraseQuerys or other boolQuerys . |
BoostFactorScoreFunction |
Multiply the score by the provided boost_factor. |
BoostingQuery |
Constructs a query that can demote search results. A negative boost. |
CardinalityAggregation |
Aggregation that calculates an approximate count of distinct values. |
ChildrenAggregation |
A special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating children documents. |
CommonTermsQuery |
A query that executes high-frequency terms in a optional sub-query. |
CompletionSuggester |
A suggester that allows basic auto-complete functionality. |
ConstantScoreQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned by the internal query or filter have a constant score equal to the boost factor. |
DateHistogramAggregation |
Aggregation similar to the histogram except it can only be applied on date values. |
DateHistogramFacet |
A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection or set of collections. |
DateRangeAggregation |
Aggregation that is dedicated for date value ranges. |
DecayScoreFunction |
Score a document with a function that decays depending on the distance of a numeric field value of the document from given origin. |
DirectGenerator |
A candidate generator that generates terms based on edit distance. |
DisMaxQuery |
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries such
as termQuerys, phraseQuerys , boolQuerys , etc. |
ExistsFilter |
Filters documents where a specified field exists and contains a value. |
ExtendedStatsAggregation |
Aggregation that computes extra stats over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
FieldMaskingSpanQuery |
Wraps a SpanQuery and hides the real field being searched across. |
FieldValueFactorFunction |
Multiply the score by the value of the field, multiplied by the factor. |
FilterAggregation |
Defines a single bucket of all the documents that match a given filter. |
FilteredQuery |
A query that applies a filter to the results of another query. |
FilterFacet |
A facet that return a count of the hits matching the given filter. |
FiltersAggregation |
Defines a multi bucket aggregations where each bucket is associated with a filter. Each bucket will collect all documents that match its associated filter. |
FunctionScoreQuery |
A query that allows you to modify the score of matching documents. |
FuzzyLikeThisFieldQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned are “like” provided text |
FuzzyLikeThisQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned are “like” provided text |
FuzzyQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned are “like” provided text |
GeoBboxFilter |
Filter results to those which are contained within the defined bounding box. |
GeoBoundsAggregation |
Aggregation that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field. |
GeoDistanceAggregation |
Aggregation that works on geo_point fields and conceptually works very similar to the range aggregation. |
GeoDistanceFacet |
A facet which provides information over a range of distances from a provided point. |
GeoDistanceFilter |
Filter results to those which fall within the given distance of the point of origin. |
GeoDistanceRangeFilter |
Filter results to those which fall within the given distance range of the point of origin. |
GeoHashGridAggregation |
Aggregation that works on geo_point fields and groups points into buckets that represent cells in a grid. |
GeoPoint |
Defines a point |
GeoPolygonFilter |
Filter results to those which are contained within the polygon of points. |
GeoShapeFilter |
A Filter to find documents with a geo_shapes matching a specific shape. |
GeoShapeQuery |
A Query to find documents with a geo_shapes matching a specific shape. |
GlobalAggregation |
Defines a single bucket of all the documents within the search context. |
HasChildFilter |
Returns results that have child documents matching the filter. |
HasChildQuery |
Returns results that have child documents matching the query. |
HasParentFilter |
Returns results that have parent documents matching the filter. |
HasParentQuery |
Returns results that have parent documents matching the query. |
Highlight |
Allows to highlight search results on one or more fields. |
HistogramAggregation |
Aggregation that can be applied on numeric values extracted from the documents. |
HistogramFacet |
A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection or set of collections. |
IdsFilter |
Matches documents with the specified id(s). |
IdsQuery |
Matches documents with the specified id(s). |
IndexedShape |
Defines a shape that already exists in an index/type. |
IndicesFilter |
A configurable filter that is dependent on the index name. |
IndicesQuery |
A configurable query that is dependent on the index name. |
InnerHits |
Include additional nested hits in the response. |
IPv4RangeAggregation |
A dedicated range aggregation for IPv4 typed fields. |
LimitFilter |
Limits the number of documents to execute on. |
MatchAllFilter |
A filter that matches on all documents |
MatchAllQuery |
A query that returns all documents. |
MatchQuery |
A Query that appects text, analyzes it, generates internal query based on the MatchQuery type. |
MaxAggregation |
Aggregation that keeps track and returns the maximum value among the numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
MinAggregation |
Aggregation that keeps track and returns the minimum value among numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
MissingAggregation |
Defines a bucket of all documents that are missing a field value. |
MissingFilter |
Filters documents where a specific field has no value present. |
MoreLikeThisFieldQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned are “like” provided text |
MoreLikeThisQuery |
Constructs a query where each documents returned are “like” provided text |
MultiMatchQuery |
A Query that allow to more easily build a MatchQuery over multiple fields |
NestedAggregation |
A special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating nested documents. |
NestedFilter |
Constructs a filter that is capable of executing a filter against objects nested within a document. |
NestedQuery |
Constructs a query that is capable of executing a search against objects nested within a document. |
NotFilter |
Container filter that excludes the matched documents of the contained filter. |
NumericRangeFilter |
A Filter that only accepts numeric values within a specified range. |
OrFilter |
A container Filter that allows Boolean OR composition of filters. |
PartialField |
Control what part of the _source will be loaded. |
PercentilesAggregation |
Aggregation that calculates one or more percentiles over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
PhraseSuggester |
A suggester that suggests entire corrected phrases. |
PrefixFilter |
Filters documents that have fields containing terms with a specified prefix. |
PrefixQuery |
Matches documents containing the specified un-analyzed prefix. |
QueryFacet |
A facet that return a count of the hits matching the given query. |
QueryFilter |
Filters documents matching the wrapped query. |
QueryStringQuery |
A query that is parsed using Lucene's default query parser. |
RandomScoreFunction |
Randomly score documents. |
RangeAggregation |
Aggregation that enables the user to define a set of ranges that each represent a bucket. |
RangeFacet |
A facet which provides information over a range of numeric intervals. |
RangeFilter |
Filters documents with fields that have terms within a certain range. |
RangeQuery |
Matches documents with fields that have terms within a certain range. |
RegexpFilter |
Matches documents that have fields matching a regular expression. |
RegexpQuery |
Matches documents that have fields matching a regular expression. |
Request |
Provides methods for generating request bodies. |
Rescore |
Defines an operation that rescores a query with another query. |
ScoreFunction |
Randomly score documents. |
ScriptedMetricAggregation |
Aggregation that keeps track and returns the minimum value among numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
ScriptField |
Computes dynamic document properties based on information from other fields. |
ScriptFilter |
A filter allowing to define scripts as filters. |
ScriptScoreFunction |
Modify a documents score using a script. |
Shape |
Defines a shape |
SignificantTermsAggregation |
An aggregation that returns interesting or unusual occurrences of terms in a set. |
Sort |
Defines a sort value |
SpanFirstQuery |
Matches spans near the beginning of a field. |
SpanMultiTermQuery |
Use MultiTermQueries as a SpanQuery. |
SpanNearQuery |
Matches spans which are near one another. |
SpanNotQuery |
Removes matches which overlap with another span query. |
SpanOrQuery |
Matches the union of its span clauses. |
SpanTermQuery |
Matches spans containing a term |
StatisticalFacet |
A facet which returns statistical information about a numeric field |
StatsAggregation |
Aggregation that computes stats over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. |
SumAggregation |
Aggregation that sums up numeric values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. |
TermFilter |
Constructs a filter for docs matching the term added to this object. |
TermQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing a term. This may be combined with other terms with a BooleanQuery. |
TermsAggregation |
Defines an aggregation of unique values/terms. |
TermsFacet |
A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection or set of collections. |
TermsFilter |
A Filter that matches documents containing provided terms. |
TermsQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing provided terms. |
TermStatsFacet |
A facet which computes statistical data based on an aggregate key. |
TermSuggester |
A suggester that suggests terms based on edit distance. |
TopChildrenQuery |
Returns child documents matching the query aggregated into the parent docs. |
TopHitsAggregation |
top_hits metric aggregator keeps track of the most relevant document being aggregated. |
TypeFilter |
Filter results by a specified index type. |
ValueCountAggregation |
Aggregation that counts the number of values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. |
WildcardQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing a wildcard. This may be combined with other wildcards with a BooleanQuery. |