February 8, 2018


  • data scientist @dominos
  • R evangelist
  • recent attendee of rstudio::conf
  • "… I guess if you use ifelse() you're doing AI" - JJ Allaire

Production and Interoperability

  • database best practices
  • building APIs
  • TensorFlow API


Database best practices

  • tl;dr don't use RODBC
  • use odbc + DBI instead
# connect using locally-defined Domain Name System (DNS)
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "MyDataMart")
# connect using DB-specific driver
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(
  driver = "SQL Server",
  server = "Server",
  database = "DB",
  port = 12345

Database best practices

  • simple read/write
query <- "
FROM flights
ORDER BY origin

dataset <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, query)

message <- DBI::dbWriteTable(conn, "iris", iris)

Database best practices

  • using dplyr functions
flights_db <- tbl(conn, "flights")

# set up the query
tailnum_delay_db <- flights_db %>% 
  group_by(tailnum) %>%
    delay = mean(arr_delay),
    n = n()
  ) %>% 
  arrange(desc(delay)) %>%
  filter(n > 100)

# show the query
tailnum_delay_db %>% show_query()

# execute query and collect the data
tailnum_delay <- tailnum_delay_db %>% collect()

Database best practices

  • using pool to manage DB connections
  • mostly relevant for Shiny developers
  • handles in-app connections (active and idle)
  • one/app –> fast but no simultaneous requests
  • one/query –> slow but allows simultaneous requests
pool <- pool::dbPool(
  driver = "SQL Server",
  server = "Server",
  database = "DB",
  port = 12345

dataset <- pool %>% 
  tbl("flights") %>% 

Building APIs

# myfile.R

#* @get /mean
normalMean <- function(samples=10){
  data <- rnorm(samples)

#* @post /sum
addTwo <- function(a, b){
  as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b)
r <- plumb("myfile.R")

R interface to Keras

  • all the functionality of Python interface
  • achieved through reticulate
# instantiate the model
model <- application_resnet50(weights = 'imagenet')

# load the image
img_path <- "images/elephant.jpg"
img <- image_load(img_path, target_size = c(224,224))
x <- image_to_array(img)

# preprocess the input for prediction using resnet50
x <- array_reshape(x, c(1, dim(x)))
x <- imagenet_preprocess_input(x)

# make predictions then decode and print them
preds <- model %>% predict(x)
imagenet_decode_predictions(preds, top = 3)[[1]]

Deploying TF models

  • train and export models from keras
  • test local deployment with tfdeploy
  • deploy into production with cloudml and/or rsconnect (not shown)
# Run local server with model

Deploying TF models

Bonus: embedding TF models in JavaScript!

  • package kerasjs converts model to JS
# Install kerasjs from GitHub

# Train and Export model from Keras as HDF5
# or use an existing model
model_path <- system.file(
  package = "kerasjs"

# Convert model to JavaScript and Preview

Link to talk with demo
