class CommitInfo extends AbstractParameter

Contains the path and other optional modifiers for the commit.



Specify data which should be serialized to JSON


A shorthand for JSON-encoding parameters

__construct( string $path, WriteMode $writeMode = null, bool $autorename = false, bool $mute = false, DateTimeInterface $clientModified = null)

CommitInfo constructor.


in AbstractParameter at line line 64
array jsonSerialize()

Specify data which should be serialized to JSON

Return Value

array data which can be serialized by json_encode, which is a value of any type other than a resource.

See also

in AbstractParameter at line line 75
string __toString()

A shorthand for JSON-encoding parameters

Return Value


at line line 44
__construct( string $path, WriteMode $writeMode = null, bool $autorename = false, bool $mute = false, DateTimeInterface $clientModified = null)

CommitInfo constructor.


string $path Path in the user's Dropbox to save the file.
WriteMode $writeMode Selects what to do if the file already exists. The default for this union is add.
bool $autorename If there's a conflict, as determined by mode, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid conflict. The default for this field is False.
bool $mute Normally, users are made aware of any file modifications in their Dropbox account via notifications in the client software. If true, this tells the clients that this modification shouldn't result in a user notification. The default for this field is False.
DateTimeInterface $clientModified The value to store as the client_modified timestamp. Dropbox automatically records the time at which the file was written to the Dropbox servers. It can also record an additional timestamp, provided by Dropbox desktop clients, mobile clients, and API apps of when the file was actually created or modified. This field is optional.

See also
