COS 426, Spring 2010
Nader Al-Naji, nbal

Demonstration of Implemented Features

Brightness change

Input Brightness 50% Brightness 100% Brightness 150%
Input Brightness 50% Brightness 100% Brightness 150%
Input Brightness 50% Brightness 100% Brightness 150%
Input Brightness 50% Brightness 100% Brightness 150%

Implementation Notes

Iterated over each pixel in the source image and multiplied the RGB value by the factor and
using the Clamp() function afterwards.


How long did you spend on this assignment?
It took me about ten minutes to familiarize myself with the API and probably ten minutes
to write and make the executable.
Was it too hard, too easy, or just right?
Just right!
What was the best part of the assignment?
When my images matched the output samples.
What was the worst part of the assignment?
Nothing was bad.
How could it be improved for next year?
Include more actual C++ code writing? Honestly I thought it was a pretty
good intro.